Page 2 of Devoted Desires

I crossed my arms over my chest and considered her offer. On the one hand, it sounded simple enough. I could do it. On the other hand, who knew what sort of trouble I could get into if I were caught pilfering potion from some fountain?

“What’s in it for me?” I asked.

“We’ve already covered that. If you succeed, I’ll send you home. If you fail...” she shrugged and gave me a faint smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“You promised you’d send me home safe, Taneisha! What’s really going on here?”

Taneisha heaved an exaggerated sigh, as though put upon. “If you must know, the potion I need is for a friend of mine who is cursed. I hope to lift her curse with this potion.”

A friend? I wondered. I had seen no evidence that Taneisha could care for anyone but herself. But then, maybe that was just the fae in her. Maybe she had friends, and I just didn’t know about them.

Or maybe she was just appealing to my compassionate side to manipulate me?

“You’re sure this fountain will have a potion that can help your friend?” I asked skeptically.

“There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?” Taneisha replied with an impish smile.

“Is there any penalty for stealing the potion?” I asked. “Or anything guarding it?”

“No, of course not! Come on, will you help me, Sera? Will you bring back this potion for me so I can heal my friend? I swear I’ll send you home right after.”

The prospect of getting home was too tempting to resist, plus, this time Taneisha had included a timeframe. I knew in my heart that I could do it; after all, I was the same witch who had helped my mates solve the fae’s quests and win back their legacies. I might not be all that invested in helping the fae’s friend, but I didn’t see a way of getting out of faery without Taneisha’s help. Perhaps I could use my magic to force her to send me home, but I still didn’t trust my powers enough. Failure could mean being at her mercy forever.

Surely one more quest, and one potion, couldn’t be that difficult.

“What happens if I refuse to get your potion?”

Taneisha’s expression turned icy as she arched her brow. “I’ve promised not to harm you. Your mates, however, are another matter entirely.”

The fae had been all carrot, but I’d finally found the stick. Taneisha knew I’d never risk them, sealing my fate.

With a nod, I agreed. “I’ll do it. Do you have a map?”

Taneisha’s smile widened, her calculated coldness of a moment before washed away as she clapped her hands with glee. “I knew you’d do it!” Taneisha said. The fae pulled a map out of a pocket on her dress, handing it over to me. “It’s on the other side of the Summer Court,” she pointed across the field, “so it should be a simple enough journey. I’ll give you three days to get the potion.”

“Three days? This is sounding like a bigger than a breadbox size quest.”

Taneisha waved away my concerns. “It’s through rolling meadows, along a cobblestone road, and just north past the city. Easy as pie.”

I’d rather be anywhere but in faery on a random quest, but that’s where I was. I already missed all of my guys, wishing they were here to help me out.

“What else can you tell me about this fountain?”

Taneisha’s eyes went distant and dreamy as she recalled the history of the fountain. “It is a beautiful fountain, with several small pools surrounded by lush greenery.”

“Potion. Check. Anything else?” I asked.

“Two things,” Taneisha said with a grin. “First. Make sure it’s the correct fountain marked on the map. There are many fountains, but only one will work. If you choose the wrong one, you’ll have to make the long journey all over again. Second, you’ll have to wade into the fountain. It’s the only way to retrieve the potion, as it’s at the center of the fountain.”

“That all seems harmless enough,” I said.

“I told you, it’s easy. Oh, wait!” Taneisha held up her hands as if she could grab her thoughts before they flitted away. “Stay on the path and steer clear of the swamps. They’re more dangerous this time of year, but I’m sure you’ll be fine, because you’re not even going that way. Good luck!”

I felt a surge of panic as Taneisha vanished. I was all alone in the fae’s world once more. I had to find this fountain, find the potion, and get back home to my guys.

Easy, right?

The Land of Enchantment