Page 57 of Keep It Together

“Yeah. I trust you to pick the right music. Make it the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. I’ll dance around with the bouquet if I have to.”

She eyed me up and down. “Nah, that’s alright. I think I’ve got this.”

Sometimes I felt a million years old and not twenty-seven. “Okay. Whatever you think is best. Tell them the first person who comes in and asks for it, gets the bouquet to take home tonight for five dollars. Anyone after that gets ten percent off with the code word ‘Dean.’” Grace would love that.

“And then I repost and remix to Insta?” Natalie asked.

“Yes.” I clapped my hands together. “Now I have to go tell Grace.”

Natalie was already back into phone-land, although now with a purpose. “Login,” she called after me when I turned to go.

“Right.” I helped her get into our social media, and then I headed to the front, my adrenaline burst starting to wear off at the thought of defending what I’d done. Grace wouldn’t yell at me in front of Piper, but she’d make sure I knew she wanted to.

“Grace.” I touched her elbow, and she turned away from the window. “We need to talk.”

She looked like she was about to brush me off and continue with the silent treatment, but then she gazed down at Piper, and her shoulders dropped. “We do. I’m sorry. For everything. I’m sorry I haven’t appreciated what a sacrifice it’s been for you to do this with me. You’ve done everything from help me with Piper to bookkeeping, and I’ve been a total jerk.”

Grace was not a hugger, but I patted her arm, and she reluctantly pulled me in and held on, resting her chin on my shoulder. “If we’re going to hug, let’s hug, loser.”

“Don’t call him a loser, Mom.” Piper joined our hug, and I reached down and stroked her head.

“Sorry, Pipes,” Grace murmured. “You’re right. He’s not a loser.”

Grace was squeezing my neck, which had me worried about the first thing I needed to tell her. “Um, before we hug too long, you should know I made some changes.” I prepared myself to get put in a headlock, but Grace only sighed and released me.

“I know. Dean was here. There’s no way he didn’t goad you into doing something. So just tell me, how many somethings did you change?”

I glanced back at the front counter. “A lot. Ready to come see?”

“I guess.” Grumpy Grace was back, but that was okay. I needed some pushback on things. Feedback. Maybe even payback. All the backs. By the time Piper went to school in the fall and we had a strategic exit for me, the shop would be in good hands. We’d make sure of it.

Chapter 29 - Carmen

Isaac: I’m leaving in five mins.

Carmen: Yaaaaassss. I’m actually ready this time.

Isaac: What? You’re not felting right now?

Carmen: Whatever. I do other things. Sometimes. Do you think Titan will show?

Isaac: He better show after I asked Edna two weeks in a row if her grandson ever planned to volunteer again.

Carmen: That was evil of you.

Isaac: Was it, though?

“Ha! Carmen is texting with Isaac again. I can tell by that goofy smile on her face.”

I quickly dropped my phone in my lap and picked up the poor half-finished penguin I’d abandoned. “Thanks a lot, Tawny.”

She gave me a little wave. “You’re welcome. Dare I ask? Is tonight…bingo night?” She said the last part in a suggestive voice that had the rest of the women giggling. We didn’t usually meet on Saturday evenings, but I’d jumped on in the hope of chatting with friends, and luckily so had everyone else.

“Yes, it’s bingo night. And yes, that was him texting me.”

I glanced over at my door to make sure it was locked. If Isaac hadn’t left his house yet, I had a good twenty minutes before he got here, but I didn’t want anyone overhearing what was about to go down. They loved to tease me about him. Nobody was buying my flimsy excuses that nothing was going on with us. Not even me.

But what did that mean? Didn’t lifelong friends mean just that? Staying friends? I didn’t want to mess up something that was already wonderful. But I also didn’t want to miss out on what could be even better. And I definitely didn’t want to lose both. Drat. Somehow, this internal debate always ended in a draw, with no winning or losing side.Same time tomorrow, guys.No awards will be handed out. As usual.