Page 38 of Keep It Together

“Not exactly.” Carmen glanced at me, looking embarrassed. I was not her wingman, not by any stretch of the word, and now she’d have to explain. “It was more of a dare. Isaac had an awkward date coming up, so he decided to make things even.”

“Not that there’s anything wrong with the guy,” I added. “He seemed nice.”

“Yeah, he was nice,” Carmen added, fiddling with her soda straw. “Maybe we’ll end up as friends.”

Kimber groaned. “Nice? Friends? This again?” Kimber turned back to me. “Unlike you, Carmen is very afraid of love. She only goes out with bland guys she’s not interested in. No offense to you or anything.”

Ally’s eyes widened. “Kimber Marie Johansson! Did you just call Isaac bland?”

“What? No.” Kimber sputtered. “I said, ‘no offense.’”

“That doesn’t negate the bland comment.”

“Yes, it does. It means, not including him.”

“That’s not what it means. Not even a little bit.” Ally smiled wickedly. “No offense.”

Kimber crossed her arms. “Oh, offense taken.”

We all laughed, but I grasped for a new subject that had nothing to do with me, Carmen, or dating. “Are you planning on eating that?” I asked Kimber, pointing to the sludge cake she was still absently stirring with her little plastic spoon.

“Why, do you want some?”

“No thanks. It looks like it might rise up and create an Orc army. No offense.”

Kimber’s eyes narrowed, and she picked up a spoonful, aiming it at my mouth. “It won’t kill you. It’s not acid.”

“You sure about that?” I said, dodging and trying not to laugh.

“Oh, come on.” She nudged it closer and managed to get a dollop on my lips, making Ally giggle.

“Nice.” I wiped it off with the back of my hand and took the napkin Carmen handed across so I could get the rest.

“You missed a spot,” Kimber said, smiling big. She licked her thumb and cleaned off my upper lip with it, laughing at the face I made. “You’re so squirmy. Hold still.” She took my chin and turned my face from side to side, examining me.

“Am I good?” I asked.

“You’re perfect.”

I glanced up as Carmen got to her feet, calmly gathering up her trash and ours without making eye contact. I moved to take the paper goods from her, but she ignored me and plopped Kimber’s plate of disgusting cake on top. “No more food fights, Kimber. You’re gonna scare the poor kid.” She turned away, leisurely walking to the nearest trashcan, only when she dropped everything in, she kept going.

I jumped up and followed on instinct.

“Carmen,” I called softly, once I got close enough.

“What’s up?” She turned, and her face was all curious innocence, which was not convincing at all.

I knew that look, and I didn’t like seeing it on Carmen.Everything is fine. I’m fine. This is fun. I will make this fun if I have to die trying.I wished it hadn’t taken me so long to recognize it. My sister used to get that look when there was tension in the house growing up. Sometimes I thought her grumpy demeanor now was an act of rebellion.

“Walk with me. I’m going to take your hand. I don’t want to lose you in this crowd.” I laced my fingers with hers and had to ignore the instant surge of affection that hit me like a laser beam to the chest. Holding her hand didn’t feel casual or even utilitarian. It was more than keeping her with me in this moment. I wanted to keep her. Period.

Once we reached the sidewalk at the outer edge of the park, Carmen let go of my hand and ran her fingers through her hair, playing with the ends. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make things awkward. We should head back to Kimber and Ally.”

“You’re not making anything awkward. You seemed like you needed a moment.”

“I did. I do.” She took in a deep breath. “I’m messing this all up. I didn’t think about all the dynamics. And Kimber—”

“I like Kimber.”