“No, I want you to be you. That’s what I’m saying. I’m glad you’re you, Sadie.”
“I’m definitely me.” I yawned, waiting for her to tell me what she needed to get off her chest.
Jenny glared at my bedspread. “I wanted something simple. I told her that. But my mom was hoping for something more cupcake-like. With satin and lace and sequins.”
“Did you get a cupcake dress?” I asked, glancing at the dress bag. It didn’t seem poufy enough for that.
“No. I got what I wanted. But she made me feel like a diva for picking my own dress. I wish I hadn’t taken her with me, and I hate that feeling.”
“But your mom’s so nice.” I’d met her mom. She did a lot of gardening and baking and yoga. Relaxed was her middle name.
“She is nice. Usually. I know they say bridezilla is a thing. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a momzilla. She runs strictly on guilt and passive-aggressive suggestions.”
“Jen,” I reached out and patted her hand. “It’s okay. Is it the dress of your dreams?”
She gave a lazy grin. “Yeah. I really love it. It’s flowy and simple, and it doesn’t broadcast how short I am.”
“Then everything’s good.”
“Yeah. About that.” Jenny rolled over and scrunched her nose. “I have a favor to ask.” She laughed at the responding look on my face. “Don’t worry. It’s not that bad.”
“If you have to brace yourself before asking me, it’s bad. Just tell me.”
“My mom doesn’t think I have enough bridesmaids. She wants the number to match the groomsman, and Noah has four brothers and his best friend from college. So…”
“So, you need me as a bridesmaid.”
“I’ll do it.”
“Really?” She reached over and gave me a hug. “Thank you.”
“It’s no big deal.” I meant it. Jenny had asked me early on if I wanted to be a bridesmaid, but I had assumed it was one of those obligation asks, so I said no. I would have been much happier sitting as a guest and watching my two friends marry each other. But that wasn’t what she needed now, so I’d jump out of my comfort zone and do this instead.
Maybe my job was rubbing off on me. After the morning I’d had, what was a few bridesmaid duties?
“Um, Jen. What exactly do I have to do as a bridesmaid?”
“Well, first, we take you dress shopping. With my mother.”
I groaned.
“I’m kidding. It will just be the two of us. And you can pick out any dress you’d like as long as it’s navy.”
“Cool.” I was almost asleep again when a pillow hit the back of my head.
“Sadie. Didn’t you go out with Denver this morning? You better spill, girl.”
I groaned. “It was no big deal. It was a pretend date.”
“But with real kissing?”
“No.” I tried waving her away, but it didn’t work.
“Do you still hate each other?”
I made the mistake of pausing. I blame sleep deprivation. After all, I’d been up at four in the morning to get ready.