Page 44 of Alive At Night

“Yeah.” My heart raced at the prospect of bringing him down a peg or two. “You don’t even deserve to look at her, Kennedy. Leave her the fuck alone.”

Greg shoulder-checked me as he stepped into my space. “Since when did you start admitting that you give a shit about Juniper?”

Words danced on the tip of my tongue, and I knew I shouldn’t say them. They’d come back to haunt me.

But itwasHalloween. Let the haunting begin.

Besides, seeing the hopeful light drain from Greg’s eyes would be so sweet and so worth it. What kind of guy thought he could waltz back up to a girl after cheating on her ten years ago? Juniper had talent and success—especially compared to this waste of space. She was all pretty and perfect andJuni. Of coursenowGreg wanted her.

Of course Noah wanted her.

Of course—shit.

My lips curved upward as I stared down my high school football teammate. If he thought he would go back in there and breathe down Juni’s neck again, he was dead wrong.

“See, you don’t care about her,” Greg scoffed when I didn’t say anything.

I squared my shoulders. “Wrong.”

“Since when?” he repeated, taking the bait exactly how I wanted him to.

Because I never, ever passed up the opportunity to make Greg Kennedy regret cheating on Juniper.

“Since I started fucking her.”

ten years ago

Julian’s various sports trophies glinted at me from their place on his shelves, alerting me that I was in the wrong place. But before I could close the door, Julian came into view. He peeled his shirt over his head before swiveling in my direction.

“It’s called knocking, Lily,” he said dryly.

He threw his shirt onto the ground, resulting in a half-naked Julian.

Oh, God. Heat worked through my veins, my palms immediately growing clammy.

“You think I was trying to come talk to you?” I scoffed. “Wrong room, sorry.”

“Again?” Julian rolled his eyes. “Learn to count one of these days, will you?”

“Doesn’t matter. You won’t have to worry about it much longer, will you?”

Wanting to end the conversation there, I went to close the door again.

“Rosie, wait.”

I should ignore him. I should shut the door in his annoying face and sprint back to Gemma’s room, but my curiosity outweighed all the other warning bells in my head. So I opened the door wider and stepped inside Julian’s room.



IBREATHED A SIGH of relief as Greg walked away from me.

If he’d approached me anywhere else, I would have told him to fuck off. But causing a scene at the Briggs’ Halloween party was the last thing I wanted to do. I knew how much tonight meant to their family, and I’d already been the one to ruin it once. I didn’t need to ruin it again.

“Was that Greg Kennedy?”

My mom took Greg’s place beside me, and I had a feeling she wouldn’t let him steal it back.