Page 177 of Alive At Night

Not liking the distance between Juniper and me, I strode back into the living room, directing all my attention toward her. “Do you want to stay the night?” I asked.

“Depends…” Juni cocked her head to the side. “Are you going to get mad if I miscount the doors in the hallway when I’m finding a place to sleep tonight?”

“Only if you end up somewhere that isn’t next to me.”

“Okay, okay,” Gianna broke in. “That isenoughcute stuff for now. You’re going to make me wish you’d go back to arguing.”

I stifled my next words, chuckling as I pulled out my phone to text them to Juni instead. Her cheeks were pink as my sisters enveloped her in their conversation, and I couldn’t wait to make them even pinker.

JULIAN: Cute is not how I would describe what I plan to do to you tonight.

I could tell when Juniper felt her phone go off because her eyes immediately darted to me. I restrained a laugh as she struggled to resist the temptation of checking her phone when she knew all my sisters’ eyes were on her.

But eventually, there was a lull in the conversation, and she gave in. Her cheeks dimpled as she read it, and her eyes shone as she rolled them at me.

* * *

My parents arrivedhome with pizza shortly after the big reveal to my sisters, and I didn’t even have to say a word to my mom. She looked at me and then at Juniper, who had crossed the living room to snuggle on my lap, and simply passed me a quiet smile.

My dad must have already told her, but I loved that my mom would never be one to give me the kind of grief that everyone else did. She didn’t know how to do anything but show her love for her kids, and I would forever appreciate that about her. Especially because I knew she’d always loved Juni in the same way.

Katherine and Brooks St. James arrived next. Juniper immediately popped up from her spot and pulled her parents aside. They formed a little huddle in the front entryway, and her dad leaned in conspiratorially, always eager to hear the gossip.

The gossip was about me; that much was easy to tell. I debated whether I should go over there but decided to let Juni have this moment with her parents. Their expressions told me that while they weren’t expecting the news of their daughter dating the guy she’d always claimed to hate, they definitely weren’t shocked. More so surprised that they hadn’t sniffed it out sooner—especially on Brooks’ part.

Katherine gave Juniper a wide, knowing smile before pulling her into a hug, and Brooks’ head swiveled to find me. After giving Juni’s shoulder a squeeze, he sauntered my way, shucking his hands in his pockets.

“I’d give you the talk, but…” He laughed softly. “I know you’ve been looking out for her for nearly as long as I have.”

“I’ll always look out for Juniper,” I said, meeting his gaze so he knew it was true.

But he already did. “I know. But now I need you to make her happy, too.”

“I’m trying my best,” I said honestly.

“And he’s doing a very good job,” Juni cut in, slipping back onto my lap. I wrapped a possessive arm around her. I probably should keep my hands to myself, considering how her dad flashed me a critical eye, but I didn’t care enough to let her go.

Luckily, Sofia and Marc’s arrival cut our conversation short, and Juniper once again hopped off my lap. This time, I followed her to the front door, wanting to greet the couple whose wedding invitation had helped me realize that being Juniper’s boyfriend was a role I never wanted to give up.

Sofia, as bright and cheery as ever, pulled both Juni and me into a hug before turning and doing the same to Juniper’s parents. I watched Juni as she introduced them, catching every bit of her reaction. Her misty eyes and fidgeting hands, which I enveloped in mine. Her smile—such a big, beautiful smile. I regretted all the years and all the things I did that made it disappear.

Juni directed Sofia, Marc, and her parents further into the house, where most of my sisters were huddled around the food. I hung back, watching as Juniper played hostess in a house that I realized was every bit hers as it was mine. I was too in my head as a kid to realize that by constantly reminding Juniper she didn’t belong here, that she wasn’t a part of this family because we didn’t share DNA…it only reinforced that she was alone. Because she didn’t know anyone who shared her DNA.

But now all I saw was family. This was her family—our family. And she belonged here, always had.

“And finally, everything was right in the world.” A voice sighed, and I knew who it was.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to make it right, Gems,” I said without looking away from Juniper. She had a plate full of pizza, laughing as she chatted with Sofia and Marc.

“As long as you don’t fuck it up, I forgive you.”

“I won’t.”

“It’s funny…” Gemma started, her tone of voice making me look at her. Gemma’s eyes shifted to mine before she shrugged and left her thought incomplete.

“What?” If it concerned Juni, I needed to know.

“Oh, I just hardly ever see Juni eat in social situations like this.”