Page 172 of Alive At Night

He grimaced at hearing his words repeated. “So you can’t ever run out, Juniper.”

“Why?” I breathed again.

“Juni…” I realized for the first time that Julian was holding a glass of wine. But then it disappeared as he shockingly tossed it back and retreated into the kitchen to set the glass down. Afterward, he turned and stalked toward me. His steps were slow and measured, and his voice was even more careful. “Do you want to know what I really told Gemma when I lost it earlier?”

“Yes.” Of course I wanted to know.

My feet wanted to move, to walk toward him, meet him halfway. But his eyes, all dazzling and sharp, held me captive. I’d seen Julian on his worst and best days, but I’d never seen him look anything like he did now. Like he didn’t give a damn what kind of day he had…as long as I was in it.

“I told her I’m in love with you,” he confessed with bone-aching clarity. “I told her I love you more than I even know how to comprehend.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, still taking slow, even strides toward me, not breaking eye contact. “I’m in love with you, Juniper St. James. I know a lot of things have changed between us recently, but the one thing that has never changed is how much I love you. I have always…loved you.”

I didn’t realize I was crying until I opened my mouth and tasted salt on my tongue as I licked my lips.

Julian was only two steps away now. And then one. And then his hands were sliding onto my face, cupping my cheeks, wiping the tears away. His lips took over for his hands next, and he chased tears away with kisses. A light one brushed over my lips, and I held on to it, prolonged it, turned a little something perfectly sweet into something wild.

This man drove me wild, and I was so profoundly in love with him.

“I love you,” Julian gasped again between rough kisses and exchanges of heavy breaths and longing sighs. “I love the way you smell and the way you smile. I love your laugh and your lies. So many, many lies we’ve told, Juni.”

I pulled back slightly with a nod, both elated and heartbroken simultaneously. “I know. I know, Julian. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

He shook his head, nose brushing over mine. “Don’t apologize, baby. Just tell me the truth now. Just one single truth.”

“I love you.” The words fell out on a sigh. “I love you, Julian. I—”

The rest of my declaration was cut off with a kiss as Julian dragged us back together.

“Do you need proof?” I asked when I had the chance to get a breath in. “I’ll give it to you. Anything.”

“I don’tneedanything but you,” Julian replied forcefully, leaning back to look down at me. “But Iwantto take you home and tell the rest of my family that you’re mine. Iwantto officially make you into a Briggs one day. Iwantto make more Briggs with you. Iwantto sell your goddamn apartment, Juni, because I don’t want any fucking space.” He took a steadying breath. “But we’ve only been dating for two weeks, and I don’t need you to do any of those things. I don’t need proof, Juniper.”

His words shattered every hurtful thing that had happened between us in the past and made room for a future that I could hardly even wait to have. I loved him. God, I loved him and the picture he was painting.

“My apartment is leased.” I spit the words out, knowing they were the right ones. “The lease is up in two months.”

“Two months…I can do two months.” Julian smiled as he traced his thumb over my lips, his eyes dropping to watch my mouth. “Say it again.”

“My lease is up in two months.”

“No, the other thing.”

My lips spread into a grin. “I love you.”

Julian’s gaze burned as he absorbed my words. “I love you, too, Daisy.”

We stood there, basking in the glow of the moment. It felt like nothing could break it, break us, but then I heard the trickling of water on tiles.

“I think the bathtub is overflowing.”

Julian laughed before reluctantly releasing me and urging me toward the bathroom again. “Then you’d better get in it.”

“Will you join me?” I looked hopefully over my shoulder and held out a hand. “I don’t want space from you, Julian.”

He took my hand, following me into the steamy bathroom. He stripped my sweatshirt over my head and tugged my pants off before beginning to shed his own clothes. And once we were finally settled beneath the suds of the water, he breathed, “I don’t want space from you, either.”

I settled back, leaning against his chest with the warm water swirling around me. Meanwhile, I stared straight ahead at the blank, white wall.

“Will you let me decorate?”