Page 135 of Alive At Night

“It’s New Year’s Eve, Dad.”

He pursed his lips before shrugging. “I’ll figure something out.”

I doubted it would be believable, but I didn’t even care. I pulled my dad in for a quick hug, and we shared a look that said a lot more than words could before I walked out the door. The cold air stung my face as I climbed into my dad’s truck and pulled out my phone.

Don’t get out of bed.

I’m coming home, Juni.


* * *

When I openedmy apartment door, Juniper was once again standing in my kitchen, wearing nothing but my OSU football jersey. A smile lit up her face, and she bounced on her tiptoes when she saw me.

I leaned inside the doorway, soaking in the sight. This was one of my favorite moments. Ever. I loved this moment. I was in love with so many parts of it.

“You got out of bed.” I raised a brow. “I told you not to.”

Juni’s lips curved higher. “And you’re surprised that I didn’t listen?”

I shook my head. “Not one bit.”

Her smile turned knowing. “Disappointed?”

“Disappointed?” I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me. “To see you as soon as I walk in the door? Never.”

Juniper watched me with smiling eyes as I kicked off my shoes. Her gaze followed my hands as I unzipped my coat and threw it on top of my bag on the floor. She seemed impatient. I was, too.

“Does you wearing that mean what I think it means?” I asked, dropping my voice as I crossed the apartment to reach her.

“Yeah,” she admitted shyly, just as I scooped her into my arms and carried her to the couch, kissing every available inch of her that I could find. Her next words were muffled against my neck as I cradled her in my arms. “Yeah, it does.”

I tried not to let my brain linger on that because I was going to explode if my thoughts even touched on what I told her I’d do if I saw her wearing that jersey again.

“You didn’t come home because of what I said about Greg, did you?” she asked worriedly. “I was just fucking with you, Julian.”

“I know.” I dropped Juniper onto the couch so she was on her back while I hovered about her. “You’re always fucking with me. This has nothing to do with Kennedy. Nothing at all.”

Greg Kennedy definitely hadn’t been the person on my mind as I raced back into the city.

Juni stared up at me. “But you left your grandparents’, and it’s late. The roads must have been icy. And your family—”

“I missed you,” I said simply before closing in for a deep kiss. Heat blossomed in every inch of me, lighting me up as our lips reunited. Juni gasped as my tongue swept into her mouth, tangling with hers, and when we broke apart, we were both panting, breathless. “Everything felt wrong without you.”

“Everything felt wrong without me,” she mumbled, repeating the words to herself as a crease formed between her brows. “You missed me.”

Disbelief lingered in her expression, so I said it more forcefully this time. “I missed you, Juniper.”

The seconds the words left my mouth, something visibly clicked for Juni, and her lips spread into an earth-shattering smile. All I could think was how much I wanted to taste that smile, and I couldn’t have been happier when she grabbed the front of my shirt to drag us together again.

Her kiss was just as eager as it had been at the Christmas party, and the memories of that night sent my pulse on a race. And it immediately became apparent what part of my brain would win tonight.

Juniper’s legs wound around my waist, urging us closer. I could feel every fucking inch of her beneath me as she rocked her body up to meet mine in a dirty rhythm that was dangerous as all hell. Grinding my hips down, I soaked in the sound of her gasps. She whimpered into my mouth, breathing my name, and that was when I decided enough was enough. It was beyond time to give this needy, gorgeous girl what she wanted.

“I’m tired of waiting for my turn, Daisy.”

“Your turn?”