Page 133 of Alive At Night

He chuckled at that. “I know. It’s why you’re perfect.”

John moved to the side so I could slip past him, but as soon as I started moving, my senses returned to me. I looked up at the tallest Briggs. “Could you maybe not say anything to…anyone? We haven’t exactly—”

Mr. Briggs put his hand up. “That’s one thing your dad and I don’t have in common, Juniper. I’m not one for gossip,” he said before winking.

I gave him a grateful grin before making a quick exit, trying not to think about how Julian’s dad damn near caught us hooking up in the bathroom. I couldn’t decide if I was mortified or relieved. His reaction only reaffirmed what I’d thought this entire time: the Briggs family wouldn’t care if I started dating Julian.

But I supposed we’d find out for sure soon. Although not soon enough for my liking. Julian and the rest of the family would leave tomorrow to visit their extended family, and I’d spend the rest of the holidays at home with mine. Which meant I had to wait over a week before I’d get to see him again.

I didn’t like that.

I did like what I had to look forward to when we both returned to Boston, though.

A date.



MY GRANDPARENTS LIVED ON Cape Cod, and spending the week of Christmas here every year was a tradition I’d always loved. There was just something about removing yourself from everything and everyone except for who and what really mattered.

But this year, there was someone Ididn’twant to be removed from, someone whodidmatter who wasn’t here, and it wasn’t hard to figure out why I felt so off.

I found a quiet spot to sit by the massive fir Christmas tree—the same one my mom had scolded her parents about as soon as we’d arrived. One of them would get hurt one of these days if they weren’t careful. Which they weren’t.

I stared at my phone, wondering what Juniper was doing. It felt wrong that she had to work without me. But besides spending Christmas Eve and Day with her parents, she’d never traveled much over the holidays. There was no real reason for her to take off the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I probably shouldn’t have taken off either; a mountain of work would be waiting for me when I got back. But I wanted to prioritize this time with my family.

Nothing felt right, though. This week, it hadn’t felt right.

I was more than aware that Juniper was an intelligent, capable woman. However, that didn’t mean I liked the idea of her walking around Boston by herself, especially at night. Before leaving Whitebridge, I gave her a set of my apartment keys while ignoring her arguments that I was skipping like ten relationship steps. My apartment was way closer to the office than hers was, but I worried she’d be too stubborn to actually stay there…until I got a text that she was tucked into my bed with a glass of wine and a book. Then she teased me about the things we could do in that bed if I were there, and just thinking about what she said caused me to groan and shift in my chair.

I shouldn’t be thinking about Juniper right now. Mostly because I was sitting in my grandparents’ living room, but I could also hear my sister laughing with my cousins in the kitchen, and here I was, thinking about how badly I wanted her best friend. Her best friend, who wasin my bedat this very moment.

My sheets were going to smell like flowers when I got home, and I couldn’t fucking wait.

My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to imagine anything that wasn’t Juniper lying in my bed with her hands between her legs—like she’d hinted at in her texts. Or how fucking fantastic she’d looked with her lips wrapped around my cock.

When that was unsuccessful, I returned to my phone. I was addicted to talking to her.

Any big plans for New Year’s Eve tonight?

DAISY: Excuse me, reading in bed with a glass of wine *is* a big plan.

I chuckled, but my smile immediately faded when Juni sent a follow-up text.

DAISY: But Greg Kennedy did text me to see if I wanted to get a drink. So I’m considering that.

No, you’re not.

She was doing it again. She was messing with me and waswaytoo good at it. I could practically feel my blood pressure rising even though I knew there was no way that comment was serious.

DAISY: I’m not. Considering it, that is. He did text me.

I gritted my teeth, wondering if I could telepathically break more of Kennedy’s fingers so he couldn’t text anyone ever again.

Block him. Right now, Juni.

DAISY: Hmm, I’ll think about it.