Page 96 of Alive At Night

This was a torture unlike any fucking other.

“My hands do not count,” I said woodenly. “I’m putting you to bed, Juni.”

Juniper smiled, and all I could think of was how that smile had felt pressed against mine. “I think you said that sentence incorrectly,” she said.


“I think you meant to say… I’mtakingyou to bed, Juni.” She cocked her head to the side. “Is it too late to ask for that proof? Because I think I’m ready for it.”

I hung my head for a second while collecting myself, my hands balling around her pajama pants in frustration. She wanted to joke about me taking her to bed, huh? She wanted proof that I’d leave her satisfied as all hell? God, she had no idea the things I would do to her in this bed if I could. She wouldn’t be smirking at me like that when she couldn’t walk after getting what she asked for.

“Here.” Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head and threw her pants at her. “Put these on.”

“I’d rather not.” She threw them back at me, hitting me square in the face. “It was roasting in here last night. I’ll just wear my shirt. It’s long.”

It wasnotlong. Juni stood, wiggling her hips to shimmy out of her dress, and I suppressed a groan. Her shirt barely covered her ass. One little bend and I’d be able to see everything.

“You have to wear the pants, Juniper,” I said, desperate now. I needed every bit of barrier between her and me. Because that kiss…shit. If her mouth tasted that good, I couldn’t even begin to imagine how good her pussy tasted. And the longer she stood there without pants on, the harder it was not to find out for sure.

I couldn’t, though. I knew I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t. I could go to bed tonight dreaming about going down on her, but I couldn’t touch her. I couldn’t taste her.

“Fine,” Juni huffed, ripping her pajamas back out of my hands. “I’ll wear the pants and take off my shirt instead.”

She had to be fucking kidding me.

“You can’t sleep without a goddamn shirt on, Juniper.”

I would lose my mind and never get it back.

“Why not?” She arched her brow. “You didn’t wear a shirt last night.”

“Is that what this is about?” I threw my hands up in frustration. “You’re still mad about that?”

“I was nevermadabout it,” she clarified, making a face like that was a ridiculous assumption even though she’d brought it up at least three times last night. Although, if she wanted to admit she’d been worked up about it for another reason, that was fine by me.

I smirked. “Not mad, huh?”

She gave me the sheepish version of my expression. Coy and timid all in one. “Not mad.”

“So you’re saying you liked it.”

I wanted to make her say it.

Juniper’s eyes narrowed before she plopped back onto the bed, nearly missing the end of it when she did. Christ, she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow regardless of what we did—or didn’t do—in bed.

“That isnotwhat I’m saying,” she argued. “I’m saying that if you can sleep half-naked, I should also be allowed the same courtesy.”

Technically, she had a point. Even if it was one that I hated.

“Fine.” I shook my head in defeat but started to unbutton my shirt in the same movement. Juni’s mouth snapped shut as she suddenly gave me her full attention, studying my hands. The heat in her gaze nearly made them fumble.

“You don’t have to wear the pants, but will you at least wear this instead?” I asked, shrugging off my button-up and thrusting it into her lap.

She picked it up thoughtfully. “Instead of my shirt? Why?”

“It’ll cover more of you,” I muttered before striding to the bathroom and shutting myself inside it, needing a goddamn minute to cool down.

I splashed water over my face before doing it again more aggressively; the first time hadn’t been enough of a shock. Water sloshed over my neck and shoulders before dribbling down my chest.