Page 30 of Alive At Night

“You told him that you want afakedate, right?”

She gave me a funny look. “Why?”

Didn’t want him to get any ideas, that was all.

“Just making sure everyone is on the same page.”

“I’m being very straightforward.” Juniper crossed her arms over her chest, clearly affronted. “Don’t worry. I can handle it.”

“You do remember yesterday, right?”

Her implication that she didn’t need my help was awfully annoying, considering how she’d begged for it less than twenty-four hours ago. I was starting to regret the hell out of introducing Juniper and Noah.

With a huff of annoyance that I very much felt, Juniper spun around to face her desk. Luckily, I didn’t hear her phone ring for the rest of the morning, and I could get some case notes done before I met with Daphne. When I returned to our office after grabbing lunch with Cameron, I found Juniper in the same place I’d left her.

“So, can we start next week?” I asked, leaning against the doorframe. It felt good to stretch my legs.

Juniper swiveled in her desk chair and blinked at me, her long lashes fanning up and down as her brows drew together. All doe-eyed and confused, I didn’t recognize her for a second. There was an innocence there that surprised me. She slowly crossed her legs while thinking, which was a miracle in and of itself, considering how tight that skirt was. Christ, Juniper.

I cleared my throat, urging her to answer.

“Start what?”

“Looking at my case,” I said, shoving my hands in my pockets with irritation. Of course she’d forgotten. Now that she had what she wanted from our deal, she probably—

“Oh, of course.” Her sharp features returned as she nodded. “Do you want to meet after work? I’m free to stay late on Wednesday. I have plans with Gemma on—”


I just wanted to get this deal over with.

Noah could return to being my friend and onlymyfriend, and Grayson could get some case-winning legal advice.

Fingers crossed that we could quickly determine an approach to his malpractice lawsuit. Working in the same room as Juniper was one thing, but working overtimeandon the same case as her was another.

Fuck, this had to be a bad idea.

But we were doing it anyway.




I stiffened at the sound of Julian’s voice behind me. Shit, why was he here already? He was consistently five minutes late for work, buttodayhe decided to show up early? Of course he did.

“Take the goddamn plants off my desk, Poppy.”

Julian’s anger had always been easy to detect by how often he swore. So I probably should have taken the goddamn plants off his desk. But did I?


Turning to face mylovelycolleague, I found him standing there, eyes narrowed on me. His worn messenger bag was slung over one broad shoulder as he overwhelmed the doorway with his frame. If I didn’t know any better, I might have been a little intimidated.

But Ididknow better. So I squared my shoulders in preparation for another week where Julian did that thing he always did to make me feel like I was a nuisance who didn’t belong. Luckily, I was used to it.

“They need direct sunlight,” I said. “And your desk is the one by the window.”