Page 72 of On Cloud Nine

Some long-forgotten part of me seeps into her daydream.

A cake topped with pounds of raspberries?Yes.

Snow falling?Absolutely.

Sharing vows in private?Anything you’d like, baby.

The requests are so small, and yet I want to give her all of them.

Maybe while we still have a few days here, I can give her even a fraction of what she wants. With the stables on the property, there’s no reason she can’t live out her riding dreams.

“What about you? I know you were in a long-term relationship; did you ever think about what you wanted your real wedding to look like back then?”

The wordrealcatapults me out of my daydream. Molly wasn’t talking about marrying me.No. Her real husband will get to give her everything she wants. At least, I hope he does.

“We never got to that part.” I set down my mug, feeling uneasy. There’s no point in dodging the questions anymore. I need to nip this in the bud. “It was a long time ago. Laura and I met at work, and our lives just meshed. It was easy. Comfortable. But we both realized we wanted different things in the end.”

“What kind of things?” Molly asks, tucking her knees into her chest.

Despite the years of therapy, I still struggle to make peace with how quickly things fell apart. Laura and I had our goals aligned, I’m certain of that, but my infertility diagnosis put the reality of our future into perspective for her.

I glance at Molly. Another temporary future looking back at me. One that won’t come with so much hurt.At least, I hope.

“I wanted to launch Plastech and focus on my career.” I keep my answer short before deflecting the conversation away from my past. “I know you said it may be a few months before we get married. Would we have to move in together?”

“Lance didn’t have to live with me, before or after our engagement, so I doubt it. And after we’re married, we could probably live apart.” She hikes her knees up to her chest. “Maybe we just host an event or two at my place, to make it seem like you live there before we get divorced?”

“Alright.” Our future, or lack thereof, sits heavy on my chest. That means only four more days of waking up with Molly.

It’s not enough.

Maybe we can pretend that it is.

Pretend that we’re not broken.

Pretend there aren’t a million reasons why we shouldn’t make this complicated.

Pretend the future doesn’t exist.

I know it’s wrong, but I want more time with Molly.



I shoveaway the uneasiness in my body and throw on a dazzling smile before answering my mother’s call. My familiar Socialite Molly mask feels poorly fitted today.

“Hey, Mom. How are you?” The last time we FaceTimed must have been when she pocket-dialed me from Bergdorf’s four months ago.

Vivian barely looks at her phone. Her amber eyes are focused on something in the distance.

“Molly, your father and I will be arriving in Sedona in three days,” she reminds me, tugging at one of her pearl earrings. A lump forms at the base of my throat.

“Wonderful. You’ll have the opportunity to see what a good match Matthew and I are while you’re here.”I pace around the suite. Thankfully, Matthew’s doing his morning workout at the gym and doesn’t have to witness this terse exchange.

As much as I like to daydream about our happily ever after, I know I can’t possibly tie him down to my family.

My mother finally peers down at her screen, a stern expression coating her face. “I assure you, we’ve been getting all the reports, doll.”