Page 59 of On Cloud Nine

I can’t spring any of that on him. What if he feels obligated to pretend to like me?


Obligated? He would be so lucky to have a chance with you


He hasn’t given me a reason to believe that he’s thought of me like that.


Have you asked him? Or told him you’re starting to feel something for him?


I haven’t.


But he kissed you back




And is he a man with eyes and a brain? Is he spending all of his time with a beautiful, smart, kind woman who, let’s be honest, we all know he has a little thing for?


I guess?

I know my friends are right, but Matthew said a relationship doesn’t fit into his life. Whatever is happening between us is simply a testament to how good we are at pretending.



We stumblein late to our scheduled activity. Lolita flashes us a glance.

“Sorry.” Molly covers the smile cresting her lips. We lost track of time during our makeshift book club this morning. She spent the entire time blushing over the heated plot ofThe Stone Court. Who knew that someone so innocent could be reading such filthy books? I’ve been missing out on an entire genre.

I shrug. “We got lost.”

“Not a worry, the resort isverydifficult to navigate at times.” Ms. Deveaux winks, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “Get settled in.”

The walls of the yoga studio are painted black, cloaking us in darkness apart from the faint glow of candles at the center of space. We quickly take a place on our mats.

“Welcome to Yearning Yoga, where you’ll be connecting to your lover through breath and touch,” Lolita says. “First, adjust your mat so it’s parallel to your partner’s. Then sit back-to-back, legs crossed in front of you.”

Molly may not want to kiss again, but touching isn’t off-limits. I should’ve checked the class description and worn thicker shorts.

We give each other tight-lipped smiles before turning around and pressing our spines together. Her soft hair tickles the skin of my bicep. My heartbeat turns unsteady.

“You alright back there?” I ask.
