Page 46 of On Cloud Nine

How could Molly be expected to act like an adult when her family treats her like she’s not capable of standing on her own two feet?

“I get that. And I’m sorry I didn’t mention I was getting a little burned-out. I’m an introvert, so, as much as I can throw myself into work and volunteering, I usually need time to rest. Honestly, I didn’t know how to tell you that among all this surveillance and pretending.” At the wordpretending, she stills. I hate the lines I’m drawing, but they’re necessary.

Molly confirmed that her trust is the most important thing here.

She wriggles out of my grasp. I’m guilty of missing the warmth of her touch. “I didn’t consider how exhausting this is. I can beonall the time. It’s the only way I know how to act, and, well, I’m aware that I’m a somewhat draining presence.”

“No,” I interject hastily. “What I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry if I came off harsh. I wish I’d given us the opportunity to come up with a compromise together rather than just booking the massage. I was tired of your mother’s packed agenda, of needing to put on a show every day, but you do not drain me.”

Quite the opposite. I get a burst of energy around her. Therealher.

“Okay.” Molly wipes away the stray tears beneath her eyes. “You’re not upset that we fought?”

“No, not even a little.” I straighten my spine and lean back into my chair. “Fighting with the people you care about isn’t a bad thing, as long as you’re both kind and honest with each other. It helps people grow closer.”

“Nobody really gets me like you do.”

I hope that one day she gets to fall in love for real, and that whoever has the privilege of being with her sees her like I do. After our divorce, that’s what Molly deserves. A partner who could create a family with her where no one’s expecting her to put on an act.

We sit in silence for a few moments. It’s not awkward, just stiff.

The afternoon light ripples along the water in the pool. Stucco walls reflect the heat beaming down onto us.

Our first disagreement.

What would a normal couple do in a situation like this?

A high five for airing out their grievances and then makeup sex?

Well, we definitely can’t do that.

Her petite nose scrunches the way it always does when she’s a little unsure. It’s adorable.

“What do you say we keep our massage plans and try to move past this together?”

She nods. “I’d like that. Thank you for planning something and wanting to include me.”

“Of course. We gotta take care of all those kinks, right?”

Molly allows herself a throaty laugh.

“You know, I was wondering…well, maybe we can…” She hesitates, looking around. “Do you want to come with me to the On Cloud Nine library this week? It’s one of my favorite parts of our resorts, and Lolita said she’d give us some flexibility with the schedule. It’ll be super low-key. No need for cameras or performing.” Molly races through the words so fast, I barely catch them.

“We can read one of your—what was the genre called again?”

“Romantasy?” She giggles lightly, recrossing her legs and leaning forward. Life rushes back into her.Much better.

“That’s the one.” I edge closer to her, causing our knees to touch.

Molly watches me. “I’d really enjoy doing that with you.”

“Me too.”

“Okay.” She gives me one of her big smiles, all teeth and gums.

“Okay,” I echo.

* * *