Page 22 of On Cloud Nine

The crook at the top of his nose comes to my attention again. “So, in your fact sheet, you mentioned that you’ve broken your nose. Is there a story?”

“Oh, well.” He rubs the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the hair there. An almost bashful look in his eyes. “I’ll tell you, but please know, it was a different time in my life.”

“What happened?” I perk up, ready to memorize a part of him he’s never shared with me.

“I was nineteen. My sister called me crying from prom. Turns out her date was hooking up with someone else under the bleachers. So, I drove over there, and I, um…” He glances at me nervously. “I put the guy in his place, to say it politely. He got in one good punch, but he never spoke to my sister again.”

“Wow,” I say, sinking further into my seat. Seems like saving me from Lance wasn’t the first time Matthew has stepped in to play hero.

Oh crap, does he see me as his sister or something? How does Matthew even look at a woman he desires?

“I don’t want you to think I’m a violent man.” He straightens quickly. “Hell, I never even killed a spider after that, but seeing how upset my sister was… It just hit a nerve.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself. I think it’s admirable that you would stand up for her like that.” Even a little attractive. Okay. Extremely freaking attractive.

Obviously, I’ve read too many romantasy books with thewho did this to youtrope, and it’s altered my brain chemistry. But that fact doesn’t stop my eyes from lingering on the smattering of hair peeking out of the top button of his shirt.

The attendant curtain flies open, and Elizabeth walks over to us. “How are you both? Can I get you another drink?”

“Oh, wait, I got this.” I interrupt Matthew before he has a chance to answer. “He’ll have a whiskey sour.”

He nods. “And my girlfriend will have a seltzer with a wedge of lemon, please.”

My heart betrays me, rushing and hammering in my chest. Matthew Hudson just casually called me his girlfriend.

He’s probably just getting comfortable with the term.

“Are you sure you don’t want another champagne?” Elizabeth asks me, a cordial smile on her face.

The world beats to the rhythm of my pulse.My girlfriend.My chin trembles. “Oh, uh, sure,” I say, even though I haven’t finished my first flute.

“Perfect, I’ll get those drinks for you right away.” Elizabeth disappears to the back of the plane.

“You rarely drink.” Matthew leans forward and settles his forearms on his thighs. “I mean, I’ve never really noticed you doing so over the past couple of years.”

The confirmation that he’s been watching me almost forces my hands over my face. First the colors of my mugs. Now this?No. Surely I put that in my fact sheet. I can’t remember now.

“Yeah, I like the occasional glass of wine or champagne, but not much lately.” I shrug, feeling insecure about my decision. I don’t want champagne, so why’d I say yes? Drinking on my Lexapro always makes me feel woozy. “There’s probably an open bottle back there, and, um, I would hate to be wasteful.”

“Okay,” he says. He doesn’t push the subject further, but something’s off.

Matthew remains mysterious. I don’t know how to act or what personality to wear for him. It’s agonizing to be around someone who notices things about me.

Don’t forget that he’s always paid amazing attention to detail. No other reason.

“Let’s get back to, um, the questions.” I wring my hands together. “Okay, here’s an easy one. When is my birthday? Yours is on the first of January.” A fact I already knew from memorizing most people’s birthdays at ORO.

“February twenty-fifth.”

“Correct.” I pause. “You have five siblings? Myles, Mitchell, Maya, Mac, and…oh, don’t tell me.” My eyes close, and I tug my lip between my teeth. I know this.

“Madison,” he affirms.

“Ugh, of course.” My shoulders relax. “Your parents have an affinity for the letter M.”

“We used to get teased about it at school, since we’re all pretty close in age, but our mother’s name is Mary. I guess my dad wanted each of his kids to be named in her honor.”

Matthew seems to light up at the mention of his family, unlike the dread I feel when my own is mentioned. The way his cheek rises more to the left when he smiles is achingly attractive.