Page 128 of On Cloud Nine

“You’re really doing this, princess?” Tessa raises a brow at me.

“Watch me.”

I turn on the tap, the sound of rushing water filling my ears, and toss back the sleeves of my dress. Am I in over my head?Not even a little bit.

Stop doubting yourself, Molly.

An employee empties the industrial dishwasher at my side. The hot steam coats my skin. My hair is surely bubbling into a frizzy frenzy.

Inhaling a calming breath, I grab the soap and sponge and start scrubbing. The dishes slip out of my hands a few times, but the staff pay me no mind as they run around like headless chickens. In a few minutes, I fall into rhythm, scrubbing, rinsing, and repeating.

I’m unstoppable.



Where is Molly?

For the past fifteen minutes, I’ve looped around Gotham Hall about a dozen times, but I haven’t been able to find my woman. I’ve scanned the entire hall, and there’s no sign of her pink dress. The investors Sam introduced me to were so interested in EcoDrones that I let time slip by me.

Christ. My pulse pounds.

I’ve already asked the waitstaff to check the ladies’ room. I can’t even call her, because she left her heart-shaped purse on the high table. Thankfully, no one decided to take it home with them. It looks very expensive.

After a few more rounds, a flicker of bright pink flashes through the swinging kitchen doors.

Molly?No way.

Maybe she’s still chatting with the caterer. I follow a waiter and enter the hectic kitchen. It’s filled with a flurry of white coats and frenzied cooks.

Molly leans over the sink in her seven-thousand-dollar dress, very tall heels, and yellow rubber gloves. Her feathered sleeves are damp with soapy water. Sweat coats her neck and back.

What in the world?Is she washing dishes?

Yeah. This is another bucket list item I’m going to have to check off.

My darling Molly Greene in yellow rubber gloves.Check.

An urge sparks up in my body.Can we bring those home with us?

“So, you going to cater my event?” Molly shouts at the chef.

“I told you, I’m booked.”

“And I just saved you tonight, Analise.”

“That you did.” Analise joins Molly’s side, drying off the clean dishes on the rack.

“I’ll double whatever they’re paying you.”

The chef cocks her head. “Tempting offer, but I’m not sure.”

“Trust me, you’re not going to want to doubt me.”Atta girl.

“I like this one; she’s fiery.” The woman at the head of the kitchen laughs before catching sight of me. “Sir, you’re blocking the door. Are you lost?”

“Uh—no, I’m looking for my girlfriend…” I scamper out of the way. Molly doesn’t seem to notice I’m here.