Page 125 of On Cloud Nine

I glance at the hefty price tag. “Nineteen million dollars?”

“I know.” Molly slumps in her stool. “That’s almost all of my assets without the trust. Well, unless I start selling off my bags.”

“No, you won’t be selling off anything,” I promise. Not on my watch. Molly’s going to have her inn and get to keep all the frilly and sparkly things she likes. “This is actually pretty reasonable. Sure, it needs an inspection, but it’s been on the market for four years; there’s a chance the owner would bump down the cost. And, yeah, you’re going to have staffing and renovation expenses.” I peruse the listing, picturing her there so vividly. “Even without the trust, we might be able to swing this. There are plenty of grants and opportunities for early investors out there.”

“We?” Her amber eyes shoot up to me.

“Yes, we,” I confirm and reach for her laptop. “We’ve met plenty of people who would place a bet on you, Molly. Me included. I may not have had enough capital of my own to launch EcoDrones, what with all of its research and technology costs, but I invest in start-up businesses all the time. I believe in you, and in this vision.”

She smiles. My favorite, genuine one. “Thank you.”

“Of course. Now let’s see which of your costs we can realistically cut. How much is the rent on your townhouse?”

“My parents own this place, so I don’t pay rent. But I’ve actually been thinking about moving out. That probably means my personal expense category is going to go up.” Worry coats her voice. She clicks around the spreadsheet a few times. The cells turn a blaring red.

“If you move in with me, you won’t have to pay rent.” The words slip out, but I can’t imagine going back home and spending any of my days without her. “I mean, if you buy this castle, it’s only a half-hour drive from my house.”

“I can’t ask that of you.”

There are so many reasons we shouldn’t be agreeing to this, so many parts of our future that sit unknown. But I want to figure them out with her.

Molly has taken over my life for the better, and I refuse to let that go.

“You’re not asking me; I’m inviting you.” I trail my hand down her leg. “I’m sure I can spare a bedroom for your books and shoes.”

She sets an elbow on the island, her chin into her hand, and looks up at me. “Oh, but where would I sleep?”

“I’ve got a spot for you in my bed,” I say, leaning down and planting my lips on her cheek. “It’s perfectly sized for my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” I wish I could memorialize the way her amber eyes are lit up.

I know the timing may not be perfect, but Molly’s sleeping in the same bed as me and taking care of my cat. I need her to be fully mine.

“No more pretending, darling. I’d love to make this real.” I brush my thumb along her cheek. My commitment to her is rooted still. Whatever happens with her parents’ decision, I’ll be by her side. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” Molly shimmies her shoulders, jumps out of her seat, and wraps her hands around me. “I’d love to be your girlfriend, Matthew Hudson. And move in with you.” She kisses me before briefly pulling away. “Again.”

My heart soars so far that it hits the clouds of guilt hanging over my head. I’m weak and selfish, for not sharing everything with her, but there are only two more weeks until the Winter Ball.It can wait until then.



“I wasnervous about wearing this today.” My Huishan Zhang Madalena gown is a flurry of pretty pink sparkles and feathers. I smile up at Matthew. “But I feel so freaking cute. Honestly, all this time, I let myself believe that if I wore even a splotch of color out into the world, my parents would disown me. I know, super dramatic, but—”

“Not dramatic at all.” He rubs my lower back, looking oh so handsome in his tuxedo.

“I am who I am, and everyone will have to deal with that.”

It’s hard to slowly chip away at the grip my parents hold over my life. They’ve dictated so many of my decisions that it’s hard to let myself be comfortable in my own choices. Even if it’s just a dress; I’m prioritizing JustMolly.

Sparkles, color, and all.

“Damn right.” Matthew nods as we step into Gotham Hall.

The Climate Convergence Gala is in full swing. About a thousand people chatter and chortle in their best attire. We make the rounds, saying hello to those who have shown interest in EcoDrones over the past couple of weeks.

In an hour, my stomach is bursting from all the food I’ve eaten. Everything has been delicious.