Page 6 of On Cloud Nine

No one has ever asked me that before. Choosing has never been an option. “The trust.” I admit the unspeakable out loud. “Look, it’s pointless. My time has run out. My birthday is in five months, and I have to be married before then.”

Otherwise, the trust gets invested in the family business, and I’ll be without my money and without a husband.

“If you just care about the trust, then why don’t you marry me?”

Shock slaps me harder than the TMJ massage I got last week. “I can’t let you—”

“Does this tradition prevent you from getting a divorce?” he interrupts.


“If it doesn’t, then marry me.”

A weight sinks into my gut, causing my muscles to weaken. It’s as if the ground beneath me has given way and I’m free-falling into an abyss of uncertainty.

“What?” My voice comes out harsher than intended. Everyone has unspoken motives, but I can’t figure out Matthew’s.

“I want to help you. It’s simple. Look, we’ll pretend to be in love, get engaged, you’ll get your trust, and you won’t need to marry Lance.”

His boldness is overwhelming. My knees buckle.

This is my way out.

Sure, my marriage will still be a business deal, but one that would actually benefit me. One that I agreed to.

“What’s in it for you?” I blurt out.

His indecipherable expression remains steady. “Fifty million dollars is a lot of money. I’ve been contemplating a new project,” he says, looking down at me. “What if we split your trust?”

That leaves me with twenty-five million dollars. Is that enough? It has to be. The door handle rattles behind Matthew.

“That could work, but do you even understand what you’re offering? A lot of expectations come with marrying into my family and—”

“Marriage isn’t that important to me.” There’s a coldness in his tone, and he gives me no time to ask why. The door handle clatters again. “We’ll tell your parents we’ve been in love since we first met at work. I can win them over.”

“I—” The room spins around me. I can’t catch my breath. He’s looking at me with those discerning blue eyes, and I can hardly stand it. It’s like he’s daring me to take a chance, to take control of my life.

Will my parents see right through me? But the alternative is worse.

“Okay, let’s do it.” I agree right as the wooden doors swing open.

Vivian Greene is monumental. She’s dressed in a Chanel pantsuit that matches the tweed fabric of my dress, and her heirloom pearls dangle off her neck. “There you are,” my mother’s voice bites out.

With a deep breath, I give my new fiancé a nod, sealing the deal.



Why didI decide to play the hero?

I know why. It’s her. Heart of gold, sweet as sugar, lovely Molly Greene.

She’s hardly a damsel in distress. Around the office, she’s graceful and composed. Today, I don’t even recognize her.

Molly’s long, spiraling red curls are suffocating in a bun. Her face is bare, swiped clean of the familiar colorful makeup that usually blankets her radiant amber eyes.

Christ, half of our office is here. What if everyone saw me confess my fake love for Molly?