Page 38 of On Cloud Nine

“Never. I’ll need you to teach me.” He playfully quirks his brow at me. “Sadly, that means I can’t re-create that one scene fromGhostlike the couple over there.” Matthew nods toward one of our senior classmates, who’s massaging his wife’s arms as he sits behind her. The look on her face is a tad amorous for this early in the morning.

“You’ve seenGhost?”

“My sister, Maya, forced me through every single romance classic when we were in high school.” Matthew connects his forearms to the tops of his thighs, leaning toward me. “Apparently, they were meant to help me with girls.”

“I doubt you ever needed help in that department.” I shut my eyes.Why do I manage to say the most inappropriate things when I’m around him?My crush is getting out of hand. “Um, honestly, I always pictured you as more of a documentary type of guy.”

“Do you picture me often?”

My eyes fly to his. Butterflies, or woodpeckers, come alive in my stomach. “I…”

Matthew’s stoic expression cracks, and he grins at me as if he knows what he’s doing. “I love documentaries,” he chuckles. The sound is lush as it pours over me. “I’m surprised you’ve watchedGhost. I thought that was a little before your time.”

“My time?” It’s my turn to raise a brow at him. “You’re only ten years older than me, not thirty. Besides,Ghostis a classic.”

“I was born a few years before that movie was released. Does that mean I should consider myself a classic?”

“You’ve both aged well.” I share my most ill-suited thoughts out loud again. “You’re not old; that’s not what I was saying. It’s that, you know…I just meant that you look good.”

“You look good too,” he says. I’m about as mushy as the clay in my hands. Definitely growing too attached to his flattery.

“Y’all are cute as a button.” Someone to our left gives my shoulder a tap. “Aren’t they cute, Jerry?”

“Reminds me of when we first were married. Are y’all here on your honeymoon?” Jerry smiles. The paisley shirt couple look at us expectantly.

“No, we’re on vacation,” Matthew clarifies.

“Young love.” The woman sighs dreamily. “Makes me miss the days when we looked at each other like that.”

Like what?I want to ask them. They must be talking about all my gawking and stuttering. Guess my crush is coming in handy after all.

“How long have you been together?” I love hearing about people’s meet-cutes.

“Thirty years,” Jerry broadcasts.

“That’s commitment. My parents have been together just shy of forty,” Matthew says, beaming at any mention of his family.

“It goes by so fast. Shucks, we saved for six years to come to this resort for the fancy honeymoon we never got.”

Six years. My heart sinks. That’s a long time to wait. I’ve had access to over a hundred resorts my entire life, and I never quite put together that others may have found the experience to be once in a lifetime.

“Oh stop, Jerry,” his wife teases.

“You’re worth every penny, honey.” He kisses her. “We met at her boyfriend’s baseball game. He had the worst throwing arm, but I’m thankful for it, because it led Gigi to chat my ear off the whole game.”

“Well, you sure were the better catch.”

We all laugh.

They’re too sweet. I should speak to Lolita about comping their stay, or extending it. They should spend more time here if they can.

“How’d you two meet?” Gigi pries.Oh no. We haven’t rehearsed this story before.

“Wo—” I start.

Matthew interrupts me, taking the lead. “It was my first day at the office where Molly worked. My company was contracted to collaborate with her company.” He uses his confident CEO voice, and it sets me on edge. “I remember it like it was yesterday. The nerves of walking into a new place. But then I saw Molly. Her wide smile hit me like a shot of caffeine, and she wore this bright green dress, which somehow made her curls look like a firestorm. I barely got any work done that week.” He gives me a slow and sexy smile.

The room feels stuffy. He must’ve thought about this.