“Ah, are you sure you didn’t just date my mother?” I let out a sardonic laugh.
Maya rubs one of her feet against my own in a comforting gesture. “It took me a long time to figure out how to love again and how to trust my instincts. But, when the time came, it made loving James all the more rewarding.”
I can’t wait to curl up in the safety of Matthew’s arms. I force a calming breath into my chest. My happiness is my own. My future is my own.
“Yeah. Even finally calling my mother a narcissist helped me release the guilt and blame I used to put on myself for everything going wrong with their world. Our legacy.”
“Right. TheGreenes.” Maya says my last name with a heavy emphasis. I quirk a brow at her. “I looked you guys up online.” She gives me a playful wink.
“I don’t blame you. Matthew mentioned that he hasn’t brought someone around in a long time. I would’ve tried to dig up all the dirt I could.”
We giggle. It’s lovely being snuggled up on the couch, talking like sisters. If Matthew and I ever do get married—and I really hope we do—I’ll have so many more siblings than I ever imagined.
“That’s one of the many reasons I like you. You seem prepared.”
“I try to be,” I admit.
The fire crackles, and I stare at the wisps of flames.
“Has Matthew talked to you about Laura yet?” Maya asks.
“Yeah, he’s told me a bit.” I nod. Maybe this ex has had a bigger impact on Matthew than he has led me to believe. But it doesn’t matter. The past is the past.
“Good.” She nods. “You know, I never imagined my brother with someone like you, but I’m so glad it happened this way.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s hard to articulate.” She pauses, her eyes creasing with a smile as she sets down her mug. “I guess, someone so full of life.”
I mirror her relaxed expression. “He brings it out of me.”
“Well, thank you for bringing it out of him,” she says. “I know I may sound like I’m exaggerating, but I truly haven’t seen Matthew this happy since before I broke the news to him about his infertility.”
I stop breathing, straightening my neck. My brows knot in confusion. “W-what?”
“His infertility.”
I stare at her blankly. My heart splinters.
“Oh, crap. What did you think I was talking about with Laura—oh, never mind.” Maya scampers over to me and grabs my hands. Her eyes are as wide as mine, worry and panic both flooding her face. “You said Matthew told you about Laura. What has he said?”
I shake my head, not able to find words.“Just that she was his only long-term relationship.”
“Fuck.” She panics. “Molly, I—I just assumed. Matthew said he was going to tell you today and I—” Maya searches my face for something, and I don’t even have the energy to throw on a mask for her, to help calm her down. “He’s gonna kill me.”
I try to process what I’m hearing. It’s as if her words are Scrabble letters being thrown at me, forcing me to piece together words I can’t quite spell.
Matthew can’t have children.
He didn’t tell me.
My mind spins from confusion to anger to frustration, until it lands on disappointment.
Maya continues her scattered whispers. I don’t even hear her.
Why would he hide this from me?
Did he think I would judge him for it?