Page 15 of On Cloud Nine

I watch her carefully, trying to understand why her family wouldn’t let her choose the person she was going to marry. But I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Focus on the things we can control.

“When we get to On Cloud Nine, are we going to share a room? Sleep together?” I attempt a distraction.

A blush creeps across her face again. “Oh gosh, no. I’ll be sure to book separate rooms.”

Her reaction unsettles me. My shoulders feel heavy. I’m not sure why. Of course she’d want her own space.

Eyes on the prize, man.

Twenty-five million dollars. Helping your friend.

Not feeling bummed about a girl not wanting to share a room with you.

“Great. If that’s what you’re comfortable with.” I nod, swiping my palms on my sweats. “What about PDA?”

Her eyes go wide. “Hmm?”

“Should I put my arm around you when we’re in public?” I clarify. “Can you tell me what you and Lance did?”

Molly cringes. “Um…we never discussed what I’d prefer. Lance assumed he could touch me, hold me, even kiss me.”

“What?” A pit grows in my stomach.

“No, it’s fine.” She tries to laugh it off, but there’s nothing funny about what she casually shared with me. “It was just some touching here and there. Kissing in front of other people. Nothing…like that.”

I wouldn’t put it past him.

There’s a stretch of silence because my reaction is probably crossing some kind of line. Really, Molly doesn’t owe me another explanation. But my body remains tense. “I hate that he ever put his hands on you.”

“It’s in the past.” Molly bangs her knees together. I can tell she’s uncomfortable as she throws on her brave face.

“I’m never going to put you in a position where you have to do anything you don’t want to.” No is a full fucking sentence, there’s no other way around that. My pulse refuses to settle, and I stretch out my fingers, willing it to calm down.

“Thank you.” She averts my gaze. “And the same goes for you. I don’t want to touch you if you don’t want me to. Even if it’s pretend.”

“Works for me. But, if you wanted me to…well, I wouldn’t mind touching you,” I admit. “So we’re a convincing couple, of course.” Oh, hell. I’m making this awkward. “As long as I have your permission. You can take the lead here.”

“Um, how…” She hesitates, mustering up a question. “How would you like to touch me, Matthew?”

Her body pressed into me. Her mouth on mine.My mind is flooded, overflowing with the smallest details from our brief kiss. Did she taste like…cider? Is that even possible?

I shake away the memory.

“Maybe we could hold hands?”

Molly nods. “I’d like that.”

“Hugs are quite nice.”

“Very.” She swallows heavily. “I think those t-two are good,” Molly stammers. “We definitely don’t need to kiss again or anything. My parents never kiss, so I doubt they consider it an important part of a relationship.”

It’s been a long time since I kissed someone, apart from the uncharacteristic display yesterday, and never someone like Molly.

“What do you think about kissing?” I ask before I can stop myself.

“I enjoy kissing,” she admits rather candidly. “Sometimes, I just want to drown in someone’s taste for hours.”