I watch her walk away, the smell of her skin still drifting in the air.




Do you know these people?

I textmy best friend a link to Tara and Tate’s most recent travel vlog.


OMG! Yes. They did an episode in Malaysia while Ollie was on-site.

Why do you ask?


I’m having breakfast with them today


Friends of Nicos?


Beware of the next text, I promise this is still me typing

My fingers hesitate over the send button. Why am I involving Avery in my uncharacteristic behavior?


I’m actually nervous

Regret hits me. I want to unsend, delete, and obliterate the message altogether.

I don’t get nervous about men.

The last time I was even a semblance of nervous was when I got fingered on a ski lift in Aspen. The fear of frostbite had swarmed with the cluster of butterflies in my stomach.

Well…then and probably with Nico at the bonfire a few weeks ago.

And maybe even when I gave him head in the shower.

There was also a strange moment on the beach yesterday after he tricked me into tandem surfing with him. It was as if the world had stopped spinning just for us.

I don’t know. I wanted to tell him something.

Something I haven’t told anyone in a long time.

No. There’s absolutely no way.

I glance down at my phone.


You’re nervous to meet Nico’s friends? You sure you’re not hooking up?