Am I about to lose a vital organ from how hard I’ve come?
“Yeah, beautiful.” Nico’s heavy whisper drops into my stomach. “Just like that.”
A prism of pleasure erupts in my vision. Specks of color and darkness blur the world together.
“The first two times weren’t enough?” I murmur but still chase after his touch.
“If I haven’t made it clear already”—he slides his fingers into me and curls them—“I’ll never get enough of you.”
“Good morning, sleepy head.”Nico’s melodic voice hits me like a shot of caffeine.
“Go away, Nico.” I yank my duvet overhead, shutting him out like a set of window shades. “It’s too early for all your energy right now.” I peek over the covers. He’s standing in my doorway, his signature grin stretching wider than usual. He is far too cheerful and much too shirtless after last night’s mistake. “Did you not hear me? Go away.”
The reflection of his six-pack burns my retinas. I return to my blanket cave.
Nico Navarro fingered me, and I let him.
Not only did I let him, but I indulged in every moment he spent kneeling between my legs until I was utterly, entirely, and wholly drunk on his touch. I got lost in how his hands drew constellations across my skin as he devoured me.
“We have things to discuss.” His weight slumps onto the end of my mattress.
Maybe if I stay hidden here, Nico and I can pretend nothing happened between us.
Just acasualevening with twocasualfriends hanging out in acasualhammock. Casually having orgasm after orgasm under the moonlight like some kind of werewolf mating session.
Very casual.
I clear my throat. “You can leave my tea on the nightstand, thank you.”
How has everything changed in twelve hours, yet somehow it feels all too familiar?
“Sure, of course, I’ll set it down right here.” My mattress creaks as Nico’s weight lifts from my bed.
Aha! Easy.
In one swift pull, Nico strips the sheets off me.
“Hey,” I yelp and quickly stretch my pajama shirt over my exposed legs, wrapping both arms around my shins.
He tilts his head expectantly. “Good morning.”
“We can ignore last night.”
“Not this again, Lil.” Nico sighs. “Remember when we did that with the kiss? Avoiding it isn’t the solution here.”
“There aren’t anysolutionshere to begin with. I’m leaving at the end of the month, and last night—”
“Well, at least you’re ready to stop pretending it didn’t happen.”
My eyes meet his in a glare. I hike up to the headboard, straightening my spine on the wood. “As I was saying, whatever happened was simply a result ofterriblereasoning on my part. I let a broken vibrator and a lack of sex cloud my judgment.” I search for another reason why last night was a mistake. “Plus, there was a full moon. Right? Maybe Mercury was in retrograde, and you definitely don’teverwant to mess with all that astrological power. Totally bad vibes.”