She relaxes, angling her hips into my thigh. “What do you actually want?”

“You’re kind of hot when you’re all worked up.”

Lily attempts to send her free hand into my side, but I catch it and fold it behind her. Then I drag the heat of her body even closer to mine.

The touch is enough to make me forget we’re on a beach, barely a few hundred feet away from a crowd of people. My pulse continues to match the strumming bass in the distance as our gazes remain latched together.

Lily doesn’t break away from me. There’s not an ounce of resistance in her pliant limbs.

“Shut up.” She scowls despite the smile on her face. “It’s not funny.”

“I can take you back to the hotel if you need to do something about it.”

A carousel of emotions plays out in her green eyes. I can’t help but enjoy how she doesn’t keep up a front when she’s around me. Every raw part of her is on display, only for me to see.

Lily rakes herself against me. Her thigh glides over the solid mass in my shorts, and she gives me a needy look.

“You know what, Nico? I think you should do something about it.”



“And what exactly do youwant me to do, Lily?” Nico’s grip around my arm tightens, sending the galloping patter of my pulse straight into my bikini bottoms.

Fuck me.

Where, how, andwhydid I decide to provoke him? Especially after he acted like a prick with Diego. It’s as if some deep part of me was counting down the seconds to vocalize the demand.

But normal people don’t ask their friends to help them with their spells of sexual frustration. Not even after hours of being touched, teased, and swallowing enough drinks to loosen their inhibitions and, obviously, their moral compass.

“Nothing, I didn’t mean it,” I lie.

“Who’s all mouth now?” The signature Nico grin spreads across his face: cocky, self-important, and all too confident.

I trace my eyes over his bottom lip’s full shape and swallow. “You wouldn’t even be able to do anything.”

The throbbing in my core disagrees.Let him show you exactly what those hands of his can make you feel.

“I beg to differ,” he quips.

“You’ve been practically pleading on your knees since we landed.”

Nico leans closer, keeping my arm firmly behind my back, and brushes a fallen strand of hair out of my eyes.

“Is that what you want, Lily? For me to beg for it?”

He connects his mouth to the curve of my jaw, grinding his teeth against my skin. I suck in a shallow breath.

This is absolute torture.

Nico smells like bottled firelight, a mixture of cedarwood, leather, and musk. Intoxicating, yet comforting. My bones practically crumble as I drink in the smoke of his skin. Against my will, my hips send a desperate roll into the firmness of his body.

I’m weak.

“Is this one of your moves? A failed kidnapping?”

Nico straightens, pulling away from the nook of my neck. I rise on my toes, trailing after his touch. “I never have to use any of my moves on you.”