“When did you turn into such a judgmental asshole?”

“The moment you decided to get with the kind of guy who could have a bright, neon map to a G-spot and still not be able to find it.”

“And would you know that from experience, Nico?” Lily’s nose hikes up into the air.

“Look, he’s a player who’s slept with half the class. None of his students ever go back for more, which can only mean he’s not any good in bed.”

Yeah. Now we’re getting somewhere. Lily wouldn’t want a mediocre lay when she’s so worked up. She gasps instead of giving me a celebratory high five that, ideally, would turn into a tumble in the sand. Her breath hits the back of her throat so violently, I can’t help but imagine if she makes the same sounds when she comes.

Of course, that’s what’s invading my mind right now.

Her hands curl into fists, and she glares at me. “You just want me for yourself because you can’t have me. I’m not a conquest, Nico.”

From the pattern of anger brewing in her eyes, I can begin to guess all the ways she’s planning to rip me to shreds. The image does little to stop the hardness in my shorts from throbbing in anticipation of seeing her let loose.

“Don’t worry; conquering you has never been an option. I’m only trying to save you from another late-night sesh with your vibrator, Lil.”

I avoid filling her in on the fact that when she’s in her room across the hall, I can hear her playing with her pussy, and my fist is locked around my dick while I follow the pattern of her moans behind my door.

A flash of guilt knocks at my thoughts. Perhaps I’m entirely in over my head, but I’m not ashamed to admit the few orgasms she’s unknowingly shared with me were some of the best I’ve ever had.

Maybe this entire thing was a huge mistake.

Jacking off to my sister-in-law’s best friend screams desperate. Pulling her away from her hookup is even worse.

“How kind of you, Nico. I haven’t gotten laid in weeks.” Her loud voice adds to my hopeless need to find out if she tastes as sweet as she did the night of the wedding. “My vibrator died on me days ago because I left the charger somewhere in San Francisco. I just wanna be fucked with something other than my fingers.”

That’s my cue.

“You can do better than Diego. Fuck, Lily, I can do better for you right now.”

She marches toward me. I try to maintain eye contact, but it’s as far as my control lets me get.

I tingle with the urge to pull apart the flimsy knot behind her neck and sink my teeth into each one of her breasts. Run my lips over every square inch of her lush body until the one thing her skin remembers is my touch.

“Hypocrite.” She backhands my bicep, the impact spinning me out of my fantasy. “You had a beautiful girl on you the entire night. Why don’t you tell her who she should or shouldn’t hook up with and leave me alone?”


“Are you serious?”

Susana’s face flashes briefly in my mind. No. There’s absolutely nothing there. Besides, Lily didn’t glance my way the entire party. How could she have seen her?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She groans. “I’m done with this conversation. Bye, Nico.”

Panic gnaws at every cell in my body like a horde of termites. I reach for her. “Don’t go.”

I can fix this.

The music from the party plays faintly in the background, but our spot, enclosed by the rocks, is far enough that the waves drown out most of the noise.

Moonlight caresses Lily’s eyes, nose, mouth, and skin.

I need her so much.The illuminating glow replicates the way she looked the night of our kiss. Except now, when Lily lifts her gaze up to mine, there’s less curiosity in her eyes and something wild waiting to let loose.

“I’m sorry.”