“Diego, this is Lily.”
My surf instructor scoops up Lily’s fingers and brings them to his lips.
Disgust sprinkles over my skin. I do my best to not let my mind wander to where his mouth will be by the night’s end.
“About time you introduced me to your girlfriend.”
I don’t even have to guess the next words out of Lily’s mouth. “Oh no, we’re just friends.”
There must be a broken record in her annoyingly beautiful head repeating the wordsjustandfriends.
Just friends, just friends, just friends.
This is the second time this week someone’s assumed we’re a couple. It’s as if us being together doesn’t seem outlandish in the eyes of a stranger. But Lily waves off the suggestion at once.
“Only friends? How’s that possible?” Diego asks me.
I sip my drink, the cool, citrus-malt taste coating my tongue. “What do you mean?”
“She’s a gorgeous woman.” Diego smirks at Lily. “Any man would be a fool not to keep you for himself.”
I roll my neck, working out the strain of annoyance. Diego’s acting as if he’s the first to discover the treasure that is Lily Rodin.
News flash, dude, you’re not good enough for her. Nobody fucking is.
What do I care?
“Well, it’s not like that with Nico.” Lily smiles politely, and Diego’s satisfied look is enough to make me feral.
I’ve never been a violent man, but I have the sudden urge to tattoo my fist into his conniving smirk.
He leans in toward her. “What a shame for him, but I think it’s a blessing for me. You’re a true beauty,gatinha.”
A tinge of blush splatters across Lily’s face. “Thank you, you’re not bad yourself.”
What the fuck is this?
She rarely blushes, like almost never. But who could blame her?
Diego isn’t horrible to look at. He’s taller than me and, yeah, he’s ripped. Ridiculously ripped.
He’s decent.
Decent for a fucking asshole.
“You should come on the waves one day,” he says. “I can give you a private lesson.”
All the students in my surf class who’ve taken Diego’sprivate lessonsrarely returned with an improved skillset.
She won’t fall for it.
“I’d love a lesson. What do you think, Nico?”
Or I guess she will.
Lily scrunches her dark brows at me, urging me to continue the conversation, but I’m capped. There’s no way I can deal with this any longer.
“Marcelo’s over there. I’ll catch you later.”