Nico’s cheeks dimple. “There’s a lot of things I candowith you.”

He can turn anything sexual in a matter of seconds. I’m sure most women would find it immature, maybe repulsive, but I secretly kind of love it.

My throat seizes on the wordlove, and I choke on a spoonful of açaí.

Like. Ilikeit.

“You good,princesa?”

I reach for the water again and down it, avoiding how his eyes watch me as if he’s peering through a magnifying glass. “I’m fine. So, do we have plans or not?”

“Obviously. Today, I get to show you the best part of traveling.”

“Which is?” I hike my legs up on the chair, pressing my thighs to my chest.

Nico sits back and spreads his knees. His torso glistens beneath the morning sun, and I trace each line of black ink on his body.

The next four weeks are going to be interesting.

“Well, Lily, every new place I’ve ever been to has streets filled with buildings that don’t mean anything at first. The fun part is discovering all the hidden gems in plain sight.”

I smile. “And what are we discovering today?”

“Are you afraid of heights?”


Nico gives me a smirk I can’t read. “Atta girl.”



We’re waitingin line for a cable car ride to Sugarloaf Mountain, one of the highest peaks in Rio de Janeiro. I watch as a large cable car speeds toward us down a collection of thin wires connecting two summits.

My impending demise.

“Are you going to be sick? You’re starting to look very pale.” Lily stifles a laugh.

My hands strangle the metal railing. “Nope, I’m fine. Just enjoying the views.” I suck in a deep breath, then glue my eyes to Lily’s.

“I can’t believe that you’re afraid of heights. You’ve shown me pictures of you skydiving and bungee jumping off bridges.”

A rush of panic spreads beneath my skin.

“I always did those things with my friend, Tate, because he would hype me up the entire time. Actually, he should be coming to Rio this month with his wife, Tara.”

The death box comes to a screeching halt at the landing point ahead. I swallow the balloon of panic.

“It’ll be fun to meet some of your friends. I bet they have all sorts of embarrassing stories about you.”

“I’m sure they will.” I don’t have the energy to crack a joke, but Lily smiles brightly enough to briefly soothe the nerves excavating my chest. “Tell me why my brain decided to recall a scene fromJurassic Parkwhere theT. rexchomps away at the trailer hanging off the cliff?”

“I bet if you didn’t watch so many horror movies, your thoughts wouldn’t be proposing different scenarios for death.”

“That’s not going to stop me anytime soon.”

We climb up the stairs, and she turns to face me. “Nico Navarro. Scared. Consider me stunned.” Lily’s eyes roam over me in disbelief. “Honestly, I’m impressed with how bold you are at conquering your fears.”