“Earl Grey, a teaspoon of honey—there’s actually two, but I know you’d refuse to admit you put more than one in here—and of course, it’s piping hot.”
Okay. Weird. How could he even remember that?
I bite my cheek, suppressing a burgeoning smile. I guess it’s kinda cute that he noticed how I take my morning drink last summer, but there must be an ulterior motive. “Is this an attempt to get another kiss out of me? Did you really think you could waltz in here with a caffeine fix and my legs would fling open for you?”
“You went from kissing to fucking really quick there. Are you trying to tell me something?”
“You’re the worst.” I get off the bed and take the mug from him. Our fingers slip against each other, and goose bumps prickle my arms. “But thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Nico leans against the doorframe, and I settle back on my plush king-sized bed, hanging my legs off the side.
After our platonic agreement on the plane, it seems we’re back to our familiar friendly banter. Any raised heartbeats can be chalked up to exhaustion.
Just friends.
Friends who flirt for fun. Friends who show up with tea in the morning. Friends who won’t be locking lips beneath the stars ever again.
I’m not fooling myself, am I?
Nico stretches his tattooed arms above his head and surveys my bedroom. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to fight me for the bigger room.”
“I was so tired I didn’t even notice. Plus, this room has a better view.”
“True, you’re here.”
I brush off his teasing. The room alone may be worth the trip. It’s equipped with a comfortable bed, a spacious walk-in closet, and an ensuite large marble bathroom with a separate shower and bathtub. I also have a modern work area with a panoramic view of the ocean. A little slice of luxury for me to try to enjoy.
“Shut up.” I sip my tea, the hot liquid warming my hoarse throat. “I bet your travel buddy is kicking themselves for missing out on all of this.”
Nico tilts his head to the side. “Hmm?”
“The person who was meant to sleep in this room,” I remind him, my brow curving with confusion. “You know, the same friend whose ticket you transferred to me.”
“What was his name, by the way? Or her name? Their name? Was it Renée?” My sweetened tea turns tart in my mouth.
“Renée, my wedding date? No way. Are you regretting your decision to come?”
Fine, I won’t force him to divulge more information about the mysterious travel partner. “Coming is rarely a regrettable decision for me,” I retort.
He releases a laugh that sounds like his entire soul is pouring out of him.
Full and passionate. Is that what Nico would be like in bed?
I need to fucking stop.
Thankfully, I brought my vibrator because if this morning is any indicator of how the next month will play out, I’m in for a torturous vacation.
Now, if only I could find the charger…
“I see you already unpacked.” Nico’s voice brings me back to the present.
“Do you think this place has laundry? All of my wedding clothes could use a wash.” Luckily, I overpacked enough skincare to last a short apocalypse.
“Yeah, I’m sure the front desk can take care of it. You can borrow something of mine for today.”