“Hi.” Lily’s smile is crooked on her face. Her hair is different, styled in loose waves and in a shade of brown similar to what it was before we dyed it in London. The green of her eyes is just as vivid, though.
It’s impossible to ignore the way my heart sings at the sight of her.
“Hi.” I manage.
She shifts in the doorway, unusually bashful as she clasps her hands together and looks up at me. “You look good.”
I return her lopsided grin. “And you haven’t lost any of those freckles I like.”
Her eyes lock on mine, and it feels like I’m standing on the ledge of a plane waiting to jump. The familiar hum of adrenaline from simply being next to her returns to my veins.
We stare at each other, the sound of cars passing behind me filling the space between us.
She finally breaks the silence. “Ugh, I really want to kiss you right now. I know there’s so much to say first, but seeing you is practically making my heart explode.”
“Good explosions or bad ones?”
“Good. Only so, so good.”
I hesitate before reaching my fingers toward the inner part of her arm, tracing the lily tattoo on her skin.
The same one I have.
The same one I’ve looked at during our time apart, never regretting the decision to have her permanently on my skin. “I want to kiss you too.”
“I haven’t been with anyone and—”
“Oh, shut up and kiss me, Lily Rodin.”
Her eyes light up, and in that moment, it’s like we’re back to speaking our own private language like no time has passed.
I reach my hand for the slope of her neck, and Lily rushes me, her lips connecting with mine.
The taste of her is as sweet as I remember, lighting every cell in my body with euphoria. The smell of her hair is still as potent as her namesake. A scent I want to drown in for the rest of my life.
The previous spell of nerves washes away beneath her touch. Each of her breaths against my lips is electric. Each brief touch of her fingers sends shivers down my spine.
The overwhelming desire to meld into one consumes me.
My mind takes me to the secret place we built this summer. The one filled with her laughter, her smile, her jokes, her filthy mouth, and blunt edges. The same place I fell in love with her, recklessly and passionately.
When the tangle of lips and tongues subsides, my favorite smile is etched into every crease of her beautiful lips.
“I missed you so fucking much,” I whisper into her ear.
Lily covers my jaw, cheeks, and nose with kisses. “I missedyou.” She takes a step back, making the short space between us feel like miles. “How’s California, your parents, what happened at Viggle?” she asks, trying to piece together the past few weeks.
“Slow down, pretty girl. We have time.”At least I hope we do.“I’m leading a team for the publishing app you inspired.”
“The one that could prevent something like the plagiarism from happening again?” The excitement in her voice makes my heart expand in my chest.
Maybe she hasn’t fully given up on writing?
“It’s still in the testing stages, but I hope so. I even called it Lilium.”
“You named it after me?”
“It’s only fair,princesa. You were my muse.” A red blush coats the pale skin of her cheeks, and I’m glad to be the reason life dances on her face.