Her husband clears his throat. “You’re both playing.”
My eyes shoot to Nico in a final plea, hoping he’s as unexcited about this idea as I am, but he simply grins. “Anything for my brother.”
I force a happy face, knock down the last sip of my passion fruit martini, and follow them toward the decorated stage. Maybe this is a worthy distraction to keep my mind off the lingering thoughts of plagiarism, the atypical lack of plans for my looming return to New York, and the unsaid things between Nico and me. There’s also telling my pregnant best friend that I’ve lied to her for eight years.
“Princesa.” Nico looks back at me, dragging me out of my daydream. He wraps his hand around mine as we climb the last few steps onto the stage. “We have to look the part.”
Ah fuck it, it’s not the first time we’ve pretended to be married.
Hopefully, it’ll be the last.
All six couples nervously shuffle toward center stage as we receive an introductory game-play walkthrough.
Each participant gets a small whiteboard, the host asks us questions, and we simultaneously write down an answer before revealing it to the group.
If the couple’s answers match, the pair gets the point.
“Reminds me of trivia nights.” My best friend gives me a sad smile, both of us painfully aware those days are behind us. Avery looks over at her husband and mouths,You’re going down.
“We’re on the same team, Ave,” he reminds her, ever the patient and calm soul with her.
“Right.” She glances back at Nico and me. “You’re both going down.”
“Stop, you’re scaring everyone.” Nico playfully tosses his marker at Avery. Luca catches it and curveballs it back at his little brother, striking him square on the head. “Ouch.”
The host’s voice crackles through the speakers. “Are you all ready to get started?”
A wave of applause erupts from the audience. The rest of the participants on the stage join the clatter of hands.
“Alright, couples, complete this sentence:I knew I found the love of my life when she… You have ten seconds, starting now.”
I blink up at Nico, searching for some hint or clue, but he’s already scribbling something. My eyes land on Avery and Luca as they’re both about to burn a hole in their boards.
Time trickles down, and my clammy palms struggle to write down the first thing that comes to mind.
“Hold up your boards,” the host commands, and we all reveal our answers.
I quickly glance over to Nico, skimming the words on his board: Buried me in a sand grave.
It’s a match.
We stare at each other, gobsmacked.
Luca’s stare is sharp enough to drill through our skulls.
Ave realizes the battle of eyes between us and glances at our boards, trying to see what the fuss is all about. When she catches our matching answers, her lips curl upward, and she knowingly nudges my arm with her elbow.
“What the fuck, Nico? Are you cheating?” Luca scowls.
“Bloody hell, Todd. You gotta be joking.” A middle-aged woman in a high-neck cowl dress scowls at her partner across the way. Their board reads: When she shagged me.
“See, Ave, one relationship already ruined,” I say.
“Good, less competition.” She focuses her attention back on the host.