Page 149 of Our Scorching Summer

“Obviously, I can see it, Nico,” I say with an unintentional snap. Panic clouds me like an incoming storm. “I don’t print my books outside of the States.”

There must be a reasonable explanation for this.

“Did your printing company expand across the border?”

“Um.” I pull out my phone, searching through every possible keyword in my inbox but coming up short. “Ever Printing should’ve sent me an email or something.”

Nico types away beside me, likely searching for a way to understand this.

“I can’t stand out here. I need to go in.” I abandon our spot outside and burst through the door like a bull seeing red.

“Welcome.” A smiling clerk greets us, but politeness is the last thing on my mind.

It takes a few seconds to find the book.

I pick it up—my book.

The subtle differences in the copy are instantly apparent to my naked eye.

It feels lighter. The pages are closer to Ever Printing’s affordable printing stock than the premium paper I prefer to use. The cover is altered slightly, the colors pale and the spine bleeding.

“That one’s so good if you’re looking for something a little…” The clerk lowers their voice slightly. “Hot. I read it last week and learned a thing or two about myself.”

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” I choke out the words to the first and only fan I’ve ever met in person.

I flip through the pages until I find the copyright disclosure. There, in lieu of Zoe Mona LLC, sits MIT Inc.

The pungent taste of acid creeps up my esophagus.

I turn to the back page and spot the blaring logo for a company called Villa Printers where Ever Printing’s logo is supposed to be.

What the fuck is this?

“From what I can see online, it doesn’t look like Ever Printing is allowed to distribute books in the United Kingdom.” Nico’s voice comes from beside me, and I realize I completely forgot he was here.

That confirms it.

“Someone stole my work.”

* * *

“Don’t worry,we’ll figure it out.” Nico repeats the same reassuring words as we comb the internet for any explanation.

I glance at my laptop screen again. The UK bestsellers list stares back at me.Coastal Flingsits in the number-three spot.

My book—well, this imposter of a book—is aninternationalbestseller.

Fucking fantastic.

“Check your bank details, Lil. Make sure nothing’s been hacked,” he offers, pulling me out of the drowning sensation in my lungs. “Better yet, change all your passwords.”

My laptop freezes for the second time today. “Agh, this fucking laptop.”

“Here, I’ll order you a new one right now. Trust me, the last thing you need to be worrying about is a faulty computer.”

Nico clicks away.

“No,” I bite, feeling overprotective over the ancient device. It’s the first big purchase I ever made, and I’m not ready to let it go.I’m not ready for any of this.The screen refreshes. “See, it’s fine.”