I turn to give Lily a quick thumbs-up, and she glares back at me.
The needle from the tattoo gun breaks skin, and the faint ripple of pain brings a familiar, addictive rush. “Faye, can I ask you a quick question?”
“Sure.” She keeps a steadying hand on my side while she drags the needle across my flesh.
“Would any of your clients enjoy using an app that lets them review your sketches before the appointment? Y’know to play around with sizing and location.”
That’s the most creative thing I’ve come up with in the last couple of weeks, but vocalizing the idea makes it sound lackluster.
“I don’t want them to have access to the original digital file.”
“Why not?”
Faye breaks from the needlework for a moment. “Uploading custom pieces as an artist who only tattoos original work would expose me to theft. One of my clients having access to the raw file and distributing it would hurt my business.”
Obviously. “Oh, yeah, that makes sense.”
“Besides, it’s easier to make alterations and discuss what changes the client wants at the session.”
I’m not thinking outside the box, and pulling an idea out of thin air is becoming increasingly frustrating. If I don’t come back with a whole concept, Anthony will be disappointed, to say the least.
I may have to finally admit that I’m more distracted than usual. I peek over at the source of said distraction and find her nervous smile aimed directly at me. Warmth spreads through my chest and melts the thought away entirely. Something more important than work occupying my mind isn’t a good enough reason to drain me creatively.
Quite the opposite, really.
The tattoo session is over in about thirty minutes. Faye hands me a mirror to view the result.
“You got a flower near your heart?” Lily’s voice sounds behind me as she inspects the reflection of the tattoo. “A lily…” She looks up at me, thoughts visibly racing at the speed of a falling star. “Right next to the sperm.”
The teasing sends her into a fit of infectious giggles.
I peek at the new lily flower coiling around my kelp tattoo. Two pieces connected as one. Making her a permanent member of my family.
My cheeks almost hurt from smiling. “Sexy. Don’t you think so?” I smirk.
“At least it isn’t my name.”
“What a big ego, pretty girl.” I pinch the bridge of her nose playfully, and her creased eyes meet mine. “I just love lilies.”
Her laughter ceases instantly, the trail of it still hanging in the air of the tattoo parlor. She stares at me as if trying to see into the depths of my soul. “They’re funeral flowers.”
“The perfect flower to brighten up even the darkest of days.” I nudge her shoulder, but Lily’s turned to stone.
She turns to Faye. “Do you have time to do the same one?”
“My next appointment is at two, but I could squeeze you in.” Faye nods, already resetting her workstation.
“You’re going to get one?” This woman will never cease to surprise me.
Lily ignores me, still facing our tattoo artist. “Should I get it on my arm, calf, or ribs?”
“First time?”
“Inner arm will hurt the least.”
That’s enough reassurance for Lily to hike herself up on the bench, right arm extended toward Faye.