I haven’t written since we landed in London. All my free time has been entirely consumed with Nico, especially now that he doesn’t have his daily surf lessons. The brief break from writing has been nice. I’ve finally let myself be selfish and enjoy this summer rather than continuing to lament my doomsday situation.
No job. Bestseller. Fall semester.
Nico grins at me.
“That’s so lovely!” Ren exclaims. “I always wanted to write, but I’m definitely better at sketching than jotting down words. Can we read your work?”
“If you don’t mind a bit of romance and erotica.” An unwelcome blush creeps up my chest.
Not again.All this blushing is becoming ridiculous.
“Erotica? Okay, I adore you even more than I did a second ago.” Ren pulls me into a brief embrace. I glance over at Nico, whose expression is too boastful for my liking. He winks at me, throwing a casual thumbs-up. “Ugh, it all makes sense now.” Ren’s voice sings in my ear. “You ooze sex. It’s why you’re so fucking hot. Klaus, can you believe there’s an author in our flat?”
“A bestselling author,” Nico corrects her, and my eyes roll across the room.
“To Lily.” Klaus raises one of the finished cocktails into the air, and we all mimic his reach. “A bloody bestselling author.”
We sip our drinks, and the flavors of Lily’s French Kiss warm over my taste buds.
“Okay, if your books are even half as good as your drinks, I’m sold.” Ren sets down her empty glass on the island.
“They’re way better.” Nico winks at me. “The bestseller is about me.”
Ren beams. “Is it really?”
“Of course not.” I shrug Nico off. “His ego is huge.”
He chuckles, and the sound snakes around my veins, pulling me under his control.
For several days, my heart has been soaring with the realization of how good sex can be when you’re with someone who makes you come and laugh in the same breath.
It’s just sex.
I force the reminder to replay in my head like an alarm with a broken snooze button.
Justsex that loosens my inhibitions and worries.
Just sexthat makes it clear that Nico has memorized the texture of the fabric woven through me, the patterns of who I am, and even the clusters of pulled strings and knots.
In the depths of my soul, I know I’m treading dangerous territory by entertaining any of these feelings toward him.
We’re two friends having sex. That’s what we’re good at; it’s what I’m good at.
Lust. Passion. Fire.
Not love.
I simply need a reminder that the only thing between us is sex.
Our suite doorsnaps shut behind us. “We never finished what we started the other night.”
“And what’s that?” Lily smirks.
Her raven hair, tied into two braids, drapes over the skintight black dress she wore for tonight’s dinner. Recently, Lily’s let loose a side of her I’ve never seen but always secretly craved. She’s almost territorial now, pulling me closer anytime we pass someone relatively attractive on the street.