“Let’s do it.” I slide the plates over the island and sit next to Lily. “I can’t think of anything else, but I know my boss will need something viable soon.”
It’s not like I need the money, but I love my job at Viggle and I don’t want to disappoint Anthony. He was such a good mentor to me after the Flight Falcon acquisition.
“I’m certain this list will help you break your coder’s block.”
“Yeah,” I say, feigning confidence.
I miss the feeling of working on something exciting, and it sucks not being able to provide anything useful to the company lately.
“Hey.” The warm weight of Lily’s hand lands on top of mine. “Don’t worry, Nico, we’ll figure it out. Let’s start with these three, and maybe something will click.” She sets my phone down and smiles at me.
Wewill.As though my problems are her problems now.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wipe away the smile on my face. “Thanks, Lil.”
She grabs another strawberry from her waffle stack. “Let’s eat before round two?”
Lily was made for me.
July 6th,
It happened,lovers,
Coastal Flingis officially a number-one national bestseller. Thank you for your support. To celebrate, I’m considering breaking more rules this summer.
Kisses from me to you,
Zoe Mona
* * *
Nico tucksme beneath his right arm, away from the busy street. A protective and undeniably panty-melting gesture he does anytime we stroll around the city. As we turn a corner, I spot the charming restaurant. Tonight’s upscale dinner is in a quirky, eighteenth-century townhome with ivy climbing up the walls. I smile at Nico, knowing that I’m in for a treat, as we walk inside.
“I seriously can’t believe you deleted all my dating apps.”
“You only know that because you tried to log on again.”
“No,” I sigh. I wasn’t trying to use them, but it was obvious when five apps in a folder with a peach and eggplant emoji somehow vanished from my home page. “My phone suddenly had all this free storage.”
“So, you’re saying I did you a favor?” He stretches out his free arm, pulling open the door for me.
I can’t stay mad at him. Silly apps can be downloaded again, but upsetting Nico and disrupting my princess treatment is not worth it. I don’t want to think about what my life will be like once summer ends and the terms of our agreement expire.
Random hookups, a string of obsessive guys trying to annex me, hiding my other life from my best friend, no more fancy dinners, clothes, or traveling.
No more Nico.
No more daily heartwarming laughter or the full-body yawn he does when he’s the slightest bit tired. I know we’ll still be in each other’s lives, but it’ll never be like this again.
I shake the thought out of my mind. Focus on the present—on us together, right now.
It’s what Nico encourages me to do every day.
“I think you didyourselfa favor, jealous boy.”