I forced myself to accept my new condition because there was no other choice. I had to appreciate everything that it offered rather than grieve what I lost. But being confined to the shade instead of the sunshine would forever cause me misery. Sunshine used to be my friend. When I’d first arrived in Grayson, I would sit on the balcony and absorb the rays. Now I would have to hide from them, like they were an old friend who had become a stranger.

Whenever we traveled, the guys always pulled out their liquor canteens and drank in the shade, swapping stories or talking shit to one another. There was an invisible camaraderie between them, despite the insults they launched back and forth.

And I felt like part of it.

“Larisa’s turn,” Cobra said. “Have I or have I not?”

Kingsnake turned to me. “You don’t have to play.”

“Fuck yeah, she does,” Cobra said. “She’s practically our sister.”

Kingsnake continued to look at me. “Ignore him.”

Cobra moved forward. “Have you or have you not slept with two people in one day?”

Kingsnake turned to Cobra, his eyes flashing in rage. “What the fuck is wrong with you—”


Cobra’s eyebrows jumped up.

Kingsnake snapped his head back in my direction.

Viper gave a subtle nod in appreciation. “Damn.”

“Yes?” Cobra asked. “You?”

“It’s not a sexy story,” I said. “I was with this guy, and he left me for someone else. He fucked me and then told me afterward, because he’s an asshole like that. Well, I went to the bar and picked up this guy to get back at him. Not that it made any difference.”

Kingsnake was angry, figuring out the identity of the guy right away.

Cobra raised his canteen to me. “I respect that. And if my brother ever pisses you off and you want to get back at him—”

“Do you want to die?” Kingsnake stared at him across the circle.

Cobra grinned and took a drink. “Fuck, you make it so easy.”

“You have a woman.”

“And I’m sure she would think it’s hilarious.”

Kingsnake tossed his open canteen at Cobra, spraying him with the liquor.

“Are you insane?” He wiped his hand across his face to clear out his eyes. “That shit’s like gold. And I’m not giving you mine.”

Kingsnake chucked the canteen at his temple next.

“Okay, now you’re just being an asshole,” Cobra said.

“My turn,” I said. “Cobra, have you or have you not?”

He gave a nod. “I’ll play.”

“Better be something good,” Viper said. “Because I already know all his transgressions.”

“That’s what you think.” Cobra took another drink. “Go ahead, sweetheart.”

“Call her that again,” Kingsnake said. “And see what happens.”