“Because he’s played for many lifetimes.”
She left the cards behind and got to her feet. “What did Buzzkill say?”
The corner of my mouth lifted in a smile. “We need to discuss logistics.”
“I’m definitely not the best person for that.”
“Aurelias needs to feed, so we have two options. He brings his slaves—”
“Or he feeds on you.” I preferred the first option.
“Also no.”
“Larisa.” She knew it had to be one or the other. There was no compromise, at least if my brother was to survive this journey. “I don’t like either option, but my brother can’t starve to death.”
“What if he didn’t come at all?”
“He knows the continent. We can’t do this without him.” I examined her face, watched her cross her arms over her shoulders.
She rubbed her arm, her sight drifting away. “What do you think?”
“It’s not my decision.”
“I remember how hard it was for you last time.” She wouldn’t look at me, like the sight of my pain was unbearable.
My brother had fed on her, along with the strongest of my kin, and I’d had to hide away and do everything I could not to think about it. I was possessive of more than just her blood, but of her entirely.
“Then we’ll do the slaves.”
“Don’t make this decision based on my self-interest—”
“At least I like Viper. But Aurelias…he’s sinister.”
“He’s an Original.” We were both vampires, but their darkness set them distinctly apart. It was in their eyes, their words, in everything.
“Yes, I see what you mean now.”
“You’re sure about this?”
She gave a nod. “I don’t trust him.”
“He wouldn’t hurt you.”
“But he wouldn’t save me either. Viper respects you. Even Cobra does. But Aurelias…I feel nothing from him.”
“The Originals must have the same abilities that you possess.”
“You didn’t know that already?”
“If it’s true, they’ve never shared it with me.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t share it with them either.”
“So you think they block their minds from one another?” she asked.