Page 37 of Obsessed Mate


She frowned hard. “No. We have something to finish.”

She meant our argument from earlier. I never took her for the type to come back for round two after such a heated disagreement. It was odd considering her family appeared totally peaceful during most of the luncheon. Granted, many people performed their best in such situations.

Was there a family secret of anger hiding in that delectable body of hers?

I coughed. “Go on.”

“I, uh…”

She touched the mark on her neck. It was only the tips of her fingers that did the touching. Watching her do it sparked in me a magnificent urge to howl. The backs of my hands stung with the familiar process of fur poking through the skin. I rubbed the areas, calming my wolf with the memory of mantras that kept him at bay.

She straightened her back abruptly and blurted, “I’m sorry.”

Well, that was unexpected. “For?”

“When I made you jealous.”

I glared at her. “You didn’t make me jealous. You just—”

She held up her palm with a snort and shook her head. “You don’t have to play that act with me, Andres. I get it. Your wolf probably needs to go for a run. Am I right?”

That made for a second surprise. “My wolf is under control.”

“Is he?” She took my hand and traced the places where fur had lightly grown through. “I know how it feels. I used to do the same thing. I’d rub the area.”

“I’m perfectly fine.”

Her touch remained light, gentle. “I pushed your buttons on purpose and I’m sorry. I guess I just…” She sighed. “I wanted to see how you would react.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I guess I just…” Her brows locked together in battle. “It was silly. Don’t mind it.”

I huffed. “Idomind.”

“I know. Why do you think I’m apologizing?”

“You confuse me.”

She met my gaze with a furious stare. “You piss me off.”

“We’re in agreement then.”

“Yes, we are.”

I snatched my hand away from her. “Fine.”


Good gods, we were in desperate need of a sprint. Already, my wolf was back at the surface, scratching away at my resolve like a starved dog locked in a cabin. I released an exasperated sigh as I stomped toward the kitchen to the door that opened up onto the porch. I tore off my shirt in the process, casting it away carelessly.

Once the door was open and the night air blistered my cheeks, I shucked my jeans and turned around, extending a partially shifted hand toward Sadie. She had followed me to the door. She had shed her clothes. I’d never seen her look more beautiful than now with her fur growing in dazzling strips of blonde and marigold.

She took my hand. “I told you.”

I squeezed. “Hush, sweet Sadie.”