Page 35 of Obsessed Mate

He was a bag of magic, a mechanical wonder who could accomplish anything. Pure strength fueled his life—and I was left with moderate muscle holding up a bulging brain. It didn’t seem to be enough for Sadie. Surely what I provided wasn’t appealing if she was throwing her lot in withElderlings.

With anger consuming me and guilt swallowing my logic, I turned to Sadie. She hung her head and cast her eyes away. Ah, so she’d done that on purpose. My fiancée decided it would be cute to try to irritate me. Defiance was becoming the norm with her. Obviously, the world had yet to discover who Sadie Turner would become.

For me, she was about to become a nuisance.

I walked past her in irked silence, marching into the house and up the stairs. I paused on the landing and turned, pivoting my body to block her path into the rest of the apartment. Though she didn’t seem intimidated, she did keep her eyes on the ground.

Trouble—this woman was trouble. Life could have been simple for a little while between us, but she had to go and start up something that she couldn’t even finish.Trouble. Like the one egg in the dozen hiding its cracks underneath.

“You must think I’m a joke.”

She gaped at me. “What?”

“No, you don’t get to play dumb this time, Sadie.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I pointed feverishly to the bottom of the stairs. “Your littledallianceback there could have been mistaken by anybody watching ascheating.”

“Okay, now you’re just overreacting.”

“You know it. I know.” I stuck my fingers into my hair, trying to smooth the strands that wouldn’t stay back. “You’re being obtuse on purpose.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away. “I think you’re just acting possessive because you think it makes you look good. But you know what, Andres? It doesn’t. It’ssuffocating.”

“You haven’t complained about it before.”

“Because I thought it was kind of nice.”

It was my turn to gape at her. Did she mean that?

She laughed bitterly and waved off my expression. “Alright, two can play the dumb game. But you can’t think for a second that I won’t try finding arealpartner.”

“Iama real partner.”

“Since when?”

She was infuriating. And she knew just which buttons to slap to ensure my anger blossomed. The more she picked at me, the more I wanted to put her in her place—on the bed with her ass in the air and my fingers planted inside her.

My hand ached for her throat. I would have reached for her if I thought she wanted me to do it—and maybe she did. There wasn’t any way to tell other than to ask, and I didn’t feel like it was an appropriate time.

No matter how much my inner wolf begged for me to do it.

I gripped the railing for the landing. “Listen, if you want to hate me in private, then hate me in private. But don’t you dare go sabotaging this for either of us before we’ve gotten any benefit from it.”

“Whatisthe benefit for you?”

I glowered at her. “Excuse me?”

“You say you’re doing this for me to keep my mother off my back, to impress my family, to invest in a new business or whatever. But what about you?”

“I’ve told you that your assistance benefits me.”

She squinted. “Is it the sex?”

“Are you complaining about the sex now?”

She made ahmphsound as she tucked her hands into her pockets. “I didn’t say that.”