Page 25 of Obsessed Mate

“Hi, I’m Lena!” She stepped forward and wrapped me in a gentle hug, floral notes engulfing me that matched the daisy pattern of her vintage dress. “Andres has told me so much about you. I wasn’t sure if I would get the time away from the restaurant, so this is a surprise for everyone.”

When she stepped back, a strand of dirty blonde hair poked out of her bun. Other than a few lines around her eyes and mouth, she appeared rather youthful, and the freckles scattered over her arms told me she liked to be in the sun a lot.

“Sorry we haven’t met sooner,” I lied. “Andres keeps busy. I’m sure you know.”

She chuckled. “It’s hard to get him out of that office. I’m not surprised he fell for his assistant.”

“Well, I…”

“Don’t worry, honey. I’m not a prude. I don’t care how you two met as long as it’s consensual.”

Relief ticked away some of my stress. “Oh,good. My mother has been kind of…” I scrubbed the back of my neck. “Anyway, she’ll be thrilled to meet you. Is your husband joining us?”

Hurt passed through her eyes.

Shit. I just made a huge mistake, didn’t I? Andres jumped to the rescue with a polite chortle and a smile greater than the big screen at the movies. He looped his arm with his mother’s while saying, “It’d be a miracle if he showed his face around here.”

Lena cackled. Andres winked.

I stood there looking like the worst statue ever chiseled.

A few embarrassing seconds later, Andres swept us both into the modern foyer where the golden-framed mirror on the wall reflected my flabbergasted look right back at me. I fixed my features quicker than I could think about it and put on my customer service grin.

I clapped my hands together. “How about a tour?”

Lena beamed. “I’d be delighted.”

Andres appeared interested without saying a word. He hadn’t seen my childhood home yet—but no one else really knew that. Mom had badgered me about the details I was keeping under wraps. Honestly, I didn’t want to lie more than I had to because spinning webs wasn’t my specialty.

But something about the peaceful grin on Lena’s face made me want to tell the truth. She was a sweet woman. I could tell. I didn’t want to dupe her or trick her. Maybe Andres had roped her into the scheme, though I wasn’t sure how much I could pick at that mystery without giving all the details away.

In assistant fashion, I logged the task away mentally and focused on what I was doing.

I started with the second floor. Best to begin with my bedroom and work our way through the themed rooms of the house. Nothing embarrassed us about showing off our home, not to my parents, anyway. They were rather boastful of their achievements.

I showed off Dad’s trophies from his woodworking competitions, gave everyone the miniature museum tour of the room where we kept logs of our family history, and then ended with the flower-themed guest rooms. Downstairs, I guided them through the living room, the den, the sun room, and the kitchen. Beyond the breakfast nook was a wave of people.

Andres took my hand. “Ah, that’s our cue, isn’t it?”

“I have a feeling you’ll be the center of the luncheon,” Lena teased. “But if you need a break, find me. I’m good at smuggling people away.”

I cast a questioning glance at Andres. “You’re about to get tackled.” I glanced back at his mother. “You too, Lena. I apologize in advance.”

The two of them shaped up their posture and waited for me to lead them to the porch door. Shoot, I guessed they were far more ready than me. As soon as the three of us stepped onto the porch, my mother and father greeted us. Dad kept some of the crowd of cousins at bay while I introduced Lena and Andres.

Mom shook Lena’s hand. “What a pleasure it is to meet you, Lena.”

Dad patted Andres on the back. “I bet you’re having a blast keeping this one on a leash. Ha!”

I groaned and rolled my eyes, ignoring the round of chuckles echoing around me. Dad sure loved his misogynistic jokes. No wonder Mom wanted to divorce him.

Don’t say that out loud.

Every pair of eyes in the vicinity were on us. It was intimidating—and in many ways, it was thrilling. I’d never been given this much attention by my family.

It was kind of nice.

Classical music played through the speakers in each corner of the wraparound porch. A great garden expanded back toward the field where people started milling about after getting their fill of Andres and his mother. Nobody asked where Lena’s husband was, thankfully. Plenty of people gave me curious looks as if they were silently wondering.