Page 60 of Obsessed Mate

“Yes, I’m mad.”

“Why aren’t you doing anything about it?”

I slathered my bagel with cream cheese, held it up, said, “Thisis what I’m doing about it,” and took a massive bite.

Spencer appeared to give up on me. Serious determination had marked his entry. Now he just seemed to be putting up with me. “You’ve never ignored your problems.”

“My problem is that I didn’t have Sadie sign anything when I showed her the terms of our agreement.”


Bagel crumbs decorated the table in front of me. I swept them away while mulling over the facts. Much of what I’d done with Sadie was a mistake. I’d wanted her so badly that I ignored the signs of her wavering allegiance. If we had signed the agreement and installed legal blowbacks, then she wouldn’t have abruptly left me.

But the thought of tangling her into something legal made me feel slimy.

After a heaping breath, I placed the bagel on the table and rested my hands on either side of it. “Right when I hired Sadie, she was going through a hard time with her family. Her mother was pestering her about bringing a date to this luncheon she’d been planning. I offered to be her fake boyfriend as long as she moved in with me to make everything look realistic.”


Perhaps I deserved that.

I shrugged it off and continued, “I had this agreement that I typed up of just the basics like what we had discussed and how either of us could end it at any time. There was even a paragraph that said we could see other people so long as it didn’t interfere with the appearance of the relationship.”

“So, cheating.”


My nails were already transforming with how hard my wolf was nudging me to shift. I reeled my anger back and forced my hand to relax. Just because the room downstairs had a ruined floor because of my unchecked emotions didn’t mean I had to ruin the rest of the house.

Spencer tilted his head back slightly while still keeping his focus on me. “Open relationship?”



I closed my eyes and sighed. “I don’t even know what I meant.”

He grunted. That meant he was asking me for clarification.

Lucky me that I got to talk to the brother of so many words. “I just figured it would make her feel better about being around. Neither of us cashed in on that clause. Or…” I clutched the table. So much for not ruining the wood. “I didn’t do anything. I don’t think she did.”


I glared at my brother. “Do you know something?”

“She didn’t do anything, Andres.”

“A whole damn sentence. I’m honored.”

His next grunt sounded more like a warning growl. “I saw them the day she was moving in. He was checking her out, but her eyes were completely hooked on you.”

“I was watching her too.”

“You weren’t paying attention.”

My throat vibrated with the beginnings of a growl. “Iwaspaying attention.”

“Your need to control the conditions of every situation has ruined you.”