Karine nodded stiffly, opening her mouth, then closing it again, not sure what to say. Not sure where her loyalties lay yet.

“I’m not your enemy,” Evelina told her. “Just a sister who wants her big brother to be happy. If that’s with you, I’ll always have your back no matter what your last name is.”

Karine’s lip trembled and hitched into a tired smile. I had to turn away to hide my emotion. Seemed like being part of a big family could be messy, but so worth it.

“Getting our father on our side won’t be as easy,” Evelina warned me before I could get too comfortable.

Karine’s head dipped down and I wanted to put my arm around her in a show of solidarity, but I was still all too aware of the gun tucked under her shirt, and the fact that she was exhausted and traumatized. I only told Evelina it was a chance I was willing to take.

More than willing.

While we waited for Ivan’s plane to be ready for takeoff and for Karine to decide our first destination, I stepped away to call Sergei.

“You’re not going to believe what’s going on,” I said, telling him if he was still in the office, he might want to close his door.

“So you think I’m about to start shouting?” he asked.

I laughed. “You just might.”

I laid it all out on the line. The plan was a bust and I had been outed as a Morozov. Karine was devastated and thought about killing me for at least a few minutes. If I stayed in Miami I was a dead man walking, or we’d have to engage in outright war to eliminate the threat.

“There’s more,” I said, after he was done swearing and taking it all in.

“Oh God,” he groaned. “What?”

“I’m in love with Karine. I fell in love with my damn fake wife.” For some reason that got him laughing. “Glad you find it hilarious,” I grumbled.

I could almost see him shaking his head as the laughter died down. “Serves you right. I don’t get how this is going to work out? You said you’re at the airport with her now? You can’t mean to come back to LA, can you? I don’t know how long I could keep you both hidden.”

I appreciated that he was at least open to taking us in. “I don’t know where we’re heading. And I can’t tell you when we get there, either.”

I explained Karine’s deal to him, assuring my twin that I had wholeheartedly accepted the terms. When I offered to let him buy me out, the shouting finally started.

“Are you kidding me? Hell no. We started this business together and I’m not letting you out so easily. Take an extended vacation instead.”

“You’re being remarkably cool,” I said, getting choked up.

“I am remarkably cool,” he said. “We can talk about it again in a month. Or longer. Take however long you need. We’ll always be brothers.”

When I couldn’t answer, he asked if I was crying, which made me laugh. “I just really want this to work out.”

Sergei sighed. “I don't get how you can be so willing to give up your whole life. But I get it a little bit more than the urge to destroy everything in your path. I honestly wish you two the best of luck.”

We ended the call and I put my head in my hands, overcome with gratitude and hope. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Karine staring at me with an unreadable look on her face.

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“Not even a little,” I told her. “You?”

She shook her head, her eyes softening and her hand still resting on my shoulder. “Not even one. I think this is the first choice I’ve made for myself in my entire life.”

I frowned, wanting to pull her into a hug and assure her she’d be able to make plenty more choices from now on. I wanted to give her whatever she wanted. Sergei was wrong about me giving up my whole life. Karine was my life. There was nothing left without her.

“We’re ready over here,” Evelina hollered, waving from the steps of the jet.

I hugged her, telling her I’d speak to her in a month, or maybe not. Either way, I was glad we were family. She held on for just a second too long, then shoved me toward the steps. Karine was already at the top and she waved tentatively to Evelina, her smile a little more relaxed.

Once we were inside and the door was shut, the flight attendant told us she’d make an announcement when it was time to buckle up, then shut herself into the front cabin. Karine stood with her hands clasped, eyes bright, and I couldn’t hold back anymore.