I loved controlling the movements, fast and hard, then slow, so slow. He was almost barely moving until I thought he might slip out, then I slammed back down again. When I cried out, he grabbed me, slowing my ferocious movements.

“It doesn’t hurt,” I said breathlessly. “It feels…”

He held me still, pulsing deep inside me while he trailed his fingers down my breasts. His eyes followed their path as he paused to tweak my nipples to tight peaks. Lower and lower until he finally pushed his fingers between the place where our bodies were joined. He hovered them tantalizingly as I waited, holding my breath for what I knew was about to happen.

“Please,” I said, looking into his deep blue eyes.

He licked his lips and nodded, pressing against my clit. That was all it took. Just that intense gaze and the slightest touch of his expert fingers. My body tensed as it was flooded with pure pleasure. My mind took a mini vacation as my mouth fell open, and a scream burst free. He wouldn’t stop until I was gasping, clawing at his shoulders. Was I leaving marks? Would he even care?

I leaned down to sink my teeth into whatever flesh I could find, but then he flipped me onto my back. I locked my ankles around his hips as he drove hard and fast inside me. Soon, I couldn’t hold on anymore, and when my hands fell to my sides, he roared, plunging deeply one last time.

As his movements slowed, I opened my eyes. He dropped his head to my shoulder and eventually, his body gave out, collapsing on top of me.

“Karine,” he groaned. “What do you do to me?”

“I think the same thing you do to me,” I told him, barely enough strength left in me to get the words out.

He kissed my neck and rolled sideways so he wasn’t crushing me with his big body, and after a few moments of heavy breathing, he chuckled. “There’s no way we’re falling asleep all crammed onto this tiny couch.”

“Then let’s get to bed,” I said.

He nodded and with a sound like he was trying to move a freight train, he dragged himself to standing. I laughed and held my arms out to him.

“You’re going to make me carry you when you just drained me dry?” he asked.

“It’s ten feet,” I told him.

Once again, I wondered how I could be so happy when my life—our life—was in upheaval. There was more magic in Roman than just his fingertips, it seemed. The worry and fear were still there, but very far away as long as he was near.

With a big, heart-wrenching smile, he leaned down and dragged me into his arms. He made it all ten feet to the bed, where he dropped me on top of the covers. I scurried up to pull the bedspread and the sheets down, fluffing up the pillows.

“Now you’re full of energy,” he said. “How about another round?”

I fell onto my back and held out my arms in invitation. “Come and get it.”

Chapter 23 - Roman

As soon as Karine fell asleep after round two, I found a private security firm and paid a fortune to get one of their best men out to us immediately. I stayed in bed, wide awake, until I got the alert that he was stationed down the hall, and fully aware that real danger might be heading his way. He seemed excited about it, ready to go. It was only then that I could fall asleep, cradling Karine in my arms.

It was only a few hours before the sun peeked in through a space in the blackout curtains, waking me up again. As much as I would have liked falling back to sleep next to her again, or better yet, waking her up with slow, lazy kisses, there were things to get done.

I watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest for a few minutes and smiled at her slightly parted lips. The way her long, dark lashes rested against the tops of her cheeks was indescribable. It made me yearn for something I couldn’t understand. Wasn’t sure I wanted to understand.

Certain that it could only lead to heartache.

Pushing all feelings aside, I snuck out of bed and quietly got dressed to go out. I scribbled a note for Karine in case she woke up while I was gone, telling her to stay put and that I wouldn’t be gone long. Hopefully, I could be quick and would be back before she was awake.

After I checked in with my security guy down the hall, I headed down the elevator, sweeping the lobby before coming out of the shadows to stride toward the door. No one gave me a passing glance and I kept walking down the street, deciding not to take my car. Everyone on both sides knew what I drove, and it seemed safer and less conspicuous to be a pedestrian.

Since we were out by the airport, there weren’t the same kinds of crowds that gathered near the beach, but by the time I wandered about four blocks from my hotel, I found a street that had several coffee shops and convenience stores mixed in between the nondescript office buildings.

I stopped at a busy café next door where I didn’t think I’d be noticed or overheard. I ordered a black coffee using a fake name and sat at one of the only open tables near the back. While I waited for my coffee, I kept a wary eye on my surroundings, but nobody seemed suspicious. Just a bunch of early-morning commuters enjoying a hit of caffeine before they went to work.

Pulling out my phone, I turned it on. I’d kept it off since we fled my apartment the night before and a wave of messages appeared after it booted up. I ignored them and called Evelina, still not sure how much I was going to tell her.

“What the hell?” she asked by way of a greeting. “Why would you go dark like that after the house you were staying at got blown up?”

I was briefly surprised that she already knew about that but then I remembered who she was and her area of expertise. She’d been keeping tabs on me since I got here. That had been comforting until I started wondering if my new family members could really be trusted.