The onslaught of his gravelly voice, his rough but tender touch, and that massive cock of his pounding away inside me was too much. My mouth fell open and my head thrashed. My arms shook, but it seemed like he was holding me up at this point.

“Is this what you wanted?” he demanded, driving deeper. “How does your pussy feel, baby?”

“So good,” I managed to say through my harsh gasps for breath. “Everything you do to me feels so, so good.”

His head dropped to my shoulder, and he groaned. “I need to come inside you. I need to do it now.”

I nodded, too weak to say another word. When he slid his hand across my belly and between my thighs, the slightest touch of his fingers against my clit drove me over the edge. My arms crumbled underneath me but Roman held on, strong enough to keep me close to him as I let go and gave in to one of his magic orgasms.

He kept thrusting, shouting out my name so that it echoed against the confines of the grotto, moving inside me until he couldn’t anymore.

“Christ,” he said, kissing my back and lowering me carefully to the smooth, hard floor. “Wait, you can’t lay on the rocks.”

He rolled onto his back and brought me with him so that I was laying across his chest. I could feel his heartbeat hammering against my breasts, and I dropped my head to his shoulder. “What was that? Did I deserve all those spankings?”

He tugged on my hair so I had to lift my face to see his smile. “I think the question is, did you love all those spankings.”

I was glad it was so dark in there because my cheeks flamed. “I guess,” I admitted, making him laugh.

No matter what I said, there was no denying how much I’d enjoyed that. After resting on top of him for a while, I realized he was the one laying on the hard ground now. I got up and slid back into the pool.

“I’m hungry, and it’s getting cold,” I said in a school teacher's voice.

He splashed in after me. “Yeah, I take back wanting to camp out here.”

In the main pool, he pulled me close, shaking his head. “Another time with no condom. That probably isn’t too smart,” he said, then kissed me before my frown could complete itself. “Not that I care.”

He wrapped his arms around me and carried me up the steps in the shallow end to settle us both on a lounge chair. I wrapped my arms around him, and he pushed all my soaking hair over my shoulder, trailing his fingers down my breast. My nipple puckered in the soft evening breeze, and he pulled me closer. It was all very romantic until my stomach growled like a freight train coming through the backyard.

With a snicker, he jumped up, his glorious body on full display like a statue of a Greek god. It's one of the really buff ones.

“I’ll get us some food,” he said.

I was too languid to offer to help, and just lay there, naked as the day I was born, enjoying watching the stars popping out in the sky overhead. This was the life. If only things could hold out this way for more than twenty-four hours.

Roman returned, nudging me out of a light doze. He sat down next to me and shook out a blanket he had brought outside with him, covering both of us and setting a tray across our laps. He lifted the lid with a flourish to reveal two sandwiches almost too thick to get in my mouth unless I figured out a way to unhinge my jaw, fresh fruit, and a bottle of wine. As he unscrewed the cork, I began to nibble on a bite of cantaloupe.

“What should we toast to?” he asked, handing me a slender stemmed glass of white wine.

I leaned back and looked up at the twinkling sky. “How about the stars?” I asked.

He grumbled, but tapped my glass. “To the woman who outshines them,” he said.

“You can stop buttering me up,” I said. “I forgive you. You’d think that was obvious.”

With a smirk, he leaned over and kissed me. “You’d think it was obvious how crazy I am about you.” He paused, looking at me as if he was just now seeing me. After a few blinks, he looked at the tray of food, as if he was processing what he said.

I nestled in closer, taking him at face value, too tired and too satisfied to pick apart every expression on his face. He held up a grape, popping it in my mouth, then broke off a manageable bite of the fat sandwich for me. It was so dreamy and a bit corny, being fed a morsel at a time, but I loved every second of it.

I was so glad I made the first move to get us back on track. Now, to keep us there.

Chapter 15 - Roman

I kept feeding Karine bites of food, enjoying her reaction and somewhat shocked at my own. Yes, the sex was out of this world, but what was I doing, spouting out nonsense about her outshining the stars? The words just flew out of my mouth, as if my brain wasn’t even involved. A pure, gut reaction that I had no control over. It was a struggle to maintain the upper hand I wasn’t sure I wanted to win.

And that was dangerous. I was there for a reason and it wasn’t to get emotionally attached. If only I wasn’t so damn relaxed and … happy.

When the night grew too chilly to sit out under the stars naked anymore, I wrapped her up in the blanket and carried her inside and upstairs. She made the same little show of not liking to be carried, but as soon as I held her tight, she nestled into my arms.