Page 12 of Behind The Screen

But she still has all of her stuff at her own apartment, which makes me think she’s only here for a night or two. Maybe to escape being followed and get some peace and quiet before going back. Maybe she’s trying to come up with a plan, or maybe she’s trying to lose me.

Me: A game of hide and seek? How thrilling, doll face. You’ve made your move, now it’s my turn.

I lock my phone and shove it into my back pocket. I don’t expect her to respond anytime soon. If Vanessa is a good friend, she will have made Clara put her phone up or turn it off to get some rest. And as I stand outside, smoking a cigarette far enough away from the entrance to be polite, I’m suddenly very thankful that Clara has a rich friend. Because while my girl thought she was running in the opposite direction of me, she’s actually walked right into the same building I’m currently calling home.

My phone vibrates, and my heart rate escalates. She makes my stomach swoop and my hands get clammy. I could barely keep my cool with her today in the coffee shop. Every time she looked my way, I wanted to bend her over the counter and show everyone that she’s mine. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to someone before. She’s stolen all my rational thoughts.

Clara: Look, either nut up or shut up. I’m tired of the mind games. I need sleep. Either do whatever it is you want, or leave me the fuck alone.

I can’t even attempt to hide the smile that grows. Look at her, being all brave for me. I knew she could do it. Sitting just seventeen floors above me now is my Clara, hiding away in her best friend’s apartment while I plan my little surprise tonight.



I rollover in bed and realize the entire room is pitch-black. I must’ve fallen asleep after receiving the last text from my stalker, who has changed their number…again. It doesn’t matter how many times I block them, they just grab another burner and start all over again.

Groaning, I roll over in the very fluffy spare bed of Vanessa’s and search for my phone in the mountain of covers. I’m guessing they’ve left already for the party her fiancé was invited to. She told me they may not even come back if they end up getting too drunk. Must be nice to have friends in high places with big houses and endless rooms for your rich friends. God, I sound bitter.

Finally, my fingertips find my phone stuffed under the pillow next to me. The bright light momentarily blinds me until I can lower the brightness and check for any missed messages. There’s one from Vanessa, telling me they’ve left and let me sleep because they could hear me snoring through the door.

“I don’t snore,” I whisper to no one.

And then I see one from my stalker that makes my blood run cold.

Unknown Number: You look so sweet when you’re sleeping.

I type back quickly.

Me: What the fuck? Leave me alone!

And that’s when I hear it. A small vibration in the room. I quickly put my phone against my chest, hiding the light as I try to peer out into the darkness. Vanessa’s apartment is massive, including the rooms inside it, which means there could easily be someone in here in the shadows that I can’t see. But that would be insane, right? They would’ve had to break in and bypass the alarm.

I’m too scared to move, so I just lie here and try to breathe. My heart is thumping in my ears, and my throat is dry. They can’t be in the room. There’s no way. I’m going insane. This person has me paralyzed with fear, hearing and seeing things. Because I swear I just saw a small light in the corner of the room, off to the right of the bed.

And then my phone vibrates. Slowly, I lift it from my chest and swipe open the message from my stalker.

Unknown Number: You didn’t hide very well, Clara.

Unknown Number: I found you.

Unknown Number: And I think you owe me a show.

My body betrays me as my thighs clench together. I should not find this so arousing. It’s like my bodywantsto be stalked and watched by this person.

Unknown Number: Can you touch yourself for me, Clara?

My brain is screaming for me to get up and run out of here. Surely I could make it to the door before they could. And after that, I know the apartment layout better. Maybe I could dial 911 before I even move; that way, they’ll have my location before I’m even out of danger. They could be on the way before the stalker even knows I’m trying to escape.

The dim light in the corner of the room comes on again, and I try my hardest not to cry, not to be so obvious that I know they’re here. But I need to know what they look like. Are they a man or a woman? Are they stronger than me? Taller? Faster? But all I can see is the little bit of light…and their eyes.

Unknown Number: Ah, ah, ah, Clara. No running. I saw the way the blankets moved when I asked you to touch yourself. You’re wet between those thighs, aren’t you?

Me: No. Leave me alone. Please.

Unknown Number: Touch yourself, Clara. And I’ll leave. Scout’s honor.

They think they’re fucking funny. But my clit is throbbing, and my insides are aching. My nipples are rubbing roughly against the soft fabric of my T-shirt. Everything feels heightened, and against my better judgment, I slowly dip my hand down into my panties. I ask myself over and over again what the fuck I’m doing, but everything feels so good I can’t stop.