Page 6 of Behind The Screen

I have a few other clients who eventually reached out as well, but they can’t afford to talk to me as often, and they definitely aren’t able to throw a grand my way every other day for a video liketheycan. Seeing my messages are still empty, I close out that app and open another.

I know it’s stupid, looking for a better apartment already. It’s only been a couple of weeks, and I know I shouldn’t be dreaming of bigger and better. But I can’t help it. If I were to continue at this rate, making over a thousand dollars a day from this one person, I could easily get a nice apartment. One that doesn’t smell like pizza every fucking day and have roaches crawling out of corners.

Fuck, I hate it here.

In the middle of scrolling through the options in the made-up price range, the FaceTime notification pops up with Vanessa’s name and face taking up the entire screen. She knows I hate phone calls and that I hate FaceTime even more. Who wants to hold their phone away from their body and at a perfect angle for the entire length of a conversation?

“You know I hate this,” I say by way of greeting.

“Shut up.” Her pretty face is done up, and her hair is down in layers around her face. She’s clearly dressed up for something, and I really hope she isn’t calling to drag me out with her. “We’re going out. We want you to come.”

“Yeah, no, thanks.” I gesture to my body as I let the phone scan down my outfit and two-day-old hair. “I’m in sweats,Jane Austen Book Clubis playing, and I have no intention of washing my hair.”

She sighs.

“Are you working? Is that why you don’t want to come out?”

I honestly haven’t made any videos or gone live in a few days. I’ve started relying on my private chats to supply income. I guess I need to stop getting so comfortable and make some money by going live for tips.

“No, but I should be.”

“It’s worrying me.” Her eyebrows pull together, and I can see her walking into a room and shutting the door behind her. Here comes the lecture.

“What is, Vanessa?”

“How much you’re talking to this one person. You aren’t giving out any details of your life, are you?”

Do I answer honestly? Or do I continue to lie?

It started out as just a sex thing. The second we started messaging, it was all about the sex. I was getting them off, and in turn, I was getting myself off. But within the first five days, we talked so much that I started to get comfortable. They seemed harmless enough, and I didn’t think talking about small things like work troubles or my apartment search would lead to anything ominous. Even though I am breaking my number one rule.

No. Personal. Details.

“Yeah, that pause tells me a lot.”

“Hush, it’s fine.”

“Clara!” Oof, the real name. Her face is serious now as she bores into my soul through the screen. “These people are strangers. You don’t know them. You don’t even know this person’s name, whether they’re a guy or a woman. You don’t know where they live or their criminal record!”

“Why do you automatically think anyone watching porn has a criminal record?”

“I don’t! I’m just saying you never know! You need to ask questions.”

“Oh, that’ll go over well. Like, yes, I am more than happy to message you, but I just need to run a quick background check. Get back to you in three to five business days!”

Her head falls forward, and she pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. I can see the smile tugging at her lips as she tries her hardest not to find this situation funny.

“Please be careful, kitty cat.”

Just then, a message pops up on my screen. The butterflies kick into overdrive in my stomach, and my heart speeds up. I can’t help the grin that pulls at my lips. God, I should not be reacting this way to a stranger. A stranger I know literally nothing about.

“I have to go!” I tell her. “Work calls. Maybe next time.”

Before she can fight back, I’m hanging up and opening the app, where I know they’re waiting on me to respond. Maybe Vanessa is right. Maybe I do need to try and get a little more information from this person. For all the times I’ve told them things about me, they’ve never once reciprocated. Even when we’re playing, they ask me what I’m wearing, but if I ever ask them, it’s all deflection. It’s kind of impressive how I never get even a morsel of information out of them.

MxLeo83: Miss me?

I chew on my lip.