Page 4 of Behind The Screen

“Yes?” I answer.

“I’ve been trying to reach you for days!”

Ah. URBaby2000’s father. At least, I think she’s his daughter. We’ll find out soon. His slight French accent comes through clearly as he shouts down the line.

“I’m a busy person.” My tone is bored, annoyed.

“Yes, well, I’ve paid you a lot of money, Hunter.” My nickname among clients is a little too on the nose for my tastes, but they have to call me something, and they will never know my name. “I expect results.”

“Results take time,” I tell him, barely containing my sigh as I stand to stretch my legs. The ocean breeze brings the scent of salt into the room as I open the doors to my balcony.

“It’s been fucking months! I was promised the best, and I intend to get the best.”

“I am the best,” I assure him. “And the best takes time. Longer when I am constantly interrupted with requests for updates.”

“Don’t fucking sass me, girl. I won’t stand for it!”

I can’t help but roll my eyes. The number of times these men think I will bend and break to their whims because they are old and white. The condescension is enough to make my ears bleed.

“I have heard all the threats before, Mr. Dumont.” I lean against the glass railing and watch as the sun begins to set. “But you must realize that you need me far more than I need you. Customers come and go. There are plenty waiting in the wings behind you. Treat me with respect, or you will be forced to take your business elsewhere.”

Without listening for a response, I hang up and turn off the phone, effectively putting him in time-out. I’ll probably catch shit for it tomorrow, but I refuse to let my night be ruined. I have a date to look forward to.



“Are you going to Boston?”

Lucy walks through the door to find me packing. Because, yes, I have decided to go to Boston. After messaging my girl for the last two weeks, I’ve confirmed that she is the target. Honestly, it was a little too easy to find her. It’s like she has no survival instincts.

At first, our messages were strictly professional. She’d only respond when I deposited her $500. Granted, I still have to send her money to get her to talk, but it’s no longer just sex talk. She doesn’t message me like I’m a client anymore. She tells me about her job, about her friend that she works who has all the money in the world but still chooses to work at the shitty little coffee shop. She tells me about her hopes for her future and how she’s hoping to find a new apartment.

All of the hints she gave me about where she lived led me right to her. Between the IP address, knowing that she lived only a couple of blocks from her coffee shop, and the little fact she gave me about how her apartment always smells like pizza from the shop below, I found her with ease.

I’m going to have to punish her for that. No woman of mine is going to be so stupid as to give up details about her life so easily. She needs to be taught a lesson. And I have so, so many ideas on how to do that.

“Yep,” I answer, throwing the last of my clothes in a suitcase.

“Not taking a lot.” Lucy’s eyes cut sideways at me. “Not planning on staying long?”

“I already know where she is.” I flip the lid shut and lean my body weight on it to zip it shut.

She hums.

I sigh.

“What is it, Luce?”

“She’s different, is all. I’ve never seen you so…” She pauses and grins. “Smitten.”

“I am not smitten.” I am.

“Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that.” She leans against the desk in the corner and watches me. “I know about that apartment you bought. And I also know that you’ve had it stocked with anything you could need for a month or more.”

I close my eyes and take a steadying breath. I should’ve known. I didn’t hire Lucy for nothing. She’s one of the smartest people I know besides myself, and she manages almost everything about this business. She wouldn’t be able to overlook this little vacation I’m taking without looking further into it.

“You’re a nosey bitch, do you know that?”