Page 4 of Rules We Break

When I close my eyes, all I see is Ivy’s ass and playful smirk. Even though I’m exhausted, my cock comes to life with the memories. I wonder what the hell she wants to talk about tonight. My dick is thrilled, hoping she wants to go another round, even if it’s only for the one night.

It throbs as the elevator doors open. My room is a quick walk down the hall, and I’ve resigned myself to rubbing one out in the shower. After all, it’ll help me fall asleep. And I can’t be hard up through all these fucking meetings…


After rubbing one out in the shower, a hard nap, and an afternoon filled with long-ass meetings, I’m ready for a drink. I take the elevator up to the presidential suite where, of course, she’s staying for the weekend. She thought it would be better for us to meet up in private instead of hanging around in the lobby. So before our last meeting of the day, she slipped a spare key card into my pocket.

And even though I have my reservations about being alone with her, I decide she’s probably right. Sneaking around is what we’re best at, so I lean against the back wall of mirrors while I ride to the top of the building. The fourteenth floor is comprised of only the suite, making it the largest and most grand out of all the stays the Four Seasons has to offer.

It opens directly into the suite, showing off floor-to-ceiling windows everywhere you look. The dining area is right in front of me, with the kitchen to the left. I step further into the suite, and the doors close behind me.

“Coming!” I hear Ivy call out from what I assume is the bedroom. A year ago, I would’ve made an inappropriate joke and followed her voice like my dick was a heat-seeking missile. Not now though.

“Take your time!” I call back.

“Is that what you’re wearing?” she asks as she appears.

She’s got on some wide-leg pants with heeled boots and a T-shirt that’s tucked into the front of her jeans. She’s got all of her hair down and hanging to the side as she puts in a pair of gold hoop earrings. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her dressed so relaxed, and it’s throwing me off. Even the expression on her face looks less intimidating.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s always been breathtakingly beautiful. But even in her most vulnerable moments, there was always a part of her that was closed off. I just chalked it up to her being my boss, but I’m starting to wonder if it was something else.

“Yeah?” I ask, looking down at my outfit. I’m still wearing my nice black pants and a button-up, but I only brought clothes to wear to business meetings. I didn’t bring anything relaxed other than a T-shirt to sleep in.

She smiles and shrugs. “You still look good. Just makes me feel underdressed.”

“What are you talking about? You look fantastic, Ivy.”

She walks over to the kitchen and finishes a glass of wine that was sitting on the countertop. A whole glass of wine. She downs that like it’s going to solve all the problems in her world.

“I thought we’d go downtown,” she tells me as she wags her eyebrows. The glass clinks as she sets it back down on the marble.

“You want to go barhopping? I thought you wanted to go to dinner and catch up?” I ask, a little surprised. “You know it’s just going to be a bunch of cowboys, bachelorette parties, and long lines, right?”

“Scared you can’t keep up?” she asks, a mischievous look in her eye. “It’s my birthday. I wanted to do something different.”

Hell.I forgot it was her damn birthday weekend. Now I feel like shit.

“Then off to Broadway we go,” I concede. It’s the main drag of downtown Nashville. The best bars, the best barbecue, and the best live music. I’ve been before, and it can get fucking wild down there.

I hold out my arm for her to link with, and when she comes over, she wraps her arms around my torso and kisses me on the cheek. She smells like freshly picked fruit, andfuck, I really want to take a bite of it.

“I missed you.” Her smile is wide as she looks at me, both of us just taking each other in for a moment.

You’d never guess she was a solid fifteen years older than me. She holds herself high, and she knows her fucking worth. Every time she walks into a room, she commands the attention of every man and woman. All eyes on her, all the time.

“Come on,” she says, breaking the moment between us. She takes a little step away and links her arm through mine. “Let’s go have a few drinks. Maybe I can convince you to line dance with me.”

She winks, and I just laugh.

All the times we’ve gone out together, she’s been desperate for me to dance. I don’t dance. I am white. Very, very white. I can’t carry a beat for shit.

“Not worried about people maybe seeing us together?” I ask her as we stand in the elevator.

I try not to look around and just focus on the numbers slowly lighting up as we descend because all of these mirrors are giving me the perfect view of her ass. All I can think about is pulling the emergency stop button and throwing her up against the wall. She could watch me as I kneeled at her feet and tugged those painted-on jeans over her thighs.

“I highly doubt these old men are going down to the honky-tonks.” She laughs. “You’re the youngest one of us here, you know.”

“I noticed.”