Page 25 of Rules We Break

She giggles.

“My fingers?”

“Oh, my god. Shut up,” she groans through her laughter, but I soldier on.

“I know it’s not because of my morning breath.”

“Okay, okay! I’m up!” She rolls out of bed and tugs the covers off me as some sick and twisted form of punishment.

My poor, bruised cock is on display.

“Up!” she says, smacking my leg playfully. “And maybe we can take care ofthatin the shower?” Ivy points at my hardening dick and then struts away, her peachy ass swaying with each step.

I scramble to get out of bed, tripping and falling out instead because I’m in such a rush. She didn’t see what happened, but she definitely heard it because a snort comes from the adjoining bathroom before the rush of water.

When I finally manage to get off the floor and into the bathroom, she’s brushing her long hair in the mirror. I take the brush from her and do it myself. My love language is definitely acts of service like this because I love the way I’m able to take something off her plate. Anything I can do is one less thing she has to worry about.

“You dyed your hair,” I point out. “I forgot to tell you. I like it.”

She smiles at me in the mirror. “I found a grey hair, and I think it drove me a little crazy. This feels a little bit too dark, but I was determined to cover it up.”

“I think it looks good.” I finish with her hair as the steam starts to fog up the mirror and then kiss her cheek. “But I would also think you looked good if your whole head was grey.”

She rolls her eyes and playfully shoves me out of the way.

“Shut up.”

“No, I’m serious,” I say, following her into the shower. “I could tell everyone I was fucking a silver fox!”

“Gregory!” she scolds me through her laughter. “Never say that again.”

I just shrug.

“Just sayin’.” I wink at her when she looks over her shoulder. “It’s hot, baby.”


“Think we have time to squeeze in one more orgasm?” I ask her once we’re both inside. The water is too hot for me, but I know she likes to shower in hellfire, so I just grit my teeth and bear it, hoping my skin won’t melt off in the twenty minutes we’re in here.

“Me or you?” Her mouth slants into a smirk.

“Well, I was hoping both.”

She hums and steps fully back into the water. There’s steam billowing up around us as she wets her hair. It looks like an oil slick with that new black hair of hers, and I can’t help but reach out and run my hands through it.

“Let me wash your hair?”

“Oh my god, yes, please.”

She finishes wetting it thoroughly and then turns around, leaning her head back so that I can wash it for her. Women love this shit, and I love doing it for her. She brought her fruity-scented shampoo, and I lather a liberal amount into her hair. I press the tips of my fingers into her scalp and massage away all of her stress.

Leaning her body back into me, she sighs and moans as my fingers move down to her neck and shoulders. She melts into me, and I let her use my body to prop up her own as I reach for the detachable showerhead and begin to rinse. How her scalp doesn’t melt off, I don’t know.

“God, that feels fantastic.”

I kiss her wet hair. “I’m glad you think so. I’m pretty sure I’m melting.”

“You’re such a wimp,” she laughs. “Always taking your tepid showers. The heat relaxes the muscles.”