Page 46 of White Horizons

“Well I can’t help it if I have a high metabolism. I’ve never really needed to exercise and I’ll agree that I’m not the most athletic person, but it’s fun to try new things,” I tell them. I’m excited to be going. “What are you making?” I ask to move the focus off of me.

“Cinnamon rolls. I had a craving and Ash will eat whatever I make, so here I am. Also, I’m glad y’all called. I have an idea for another song for this album. I think it goes well with the others, but if y’all don’t like it, we can always table it for the next one.”

“I’m sure we’ll love it,” Cora tells her. “Send me what you have and the direction you want it to go. Emma and I’ll work up a few different beats and instrumentation and then we’ll see what you think.”

“I think that sounds great.” She smiles, and it’s so familiar a pang hits the center of my chest. I miss my friend, but she’s so happy and she’s right where she is supposed to be. “I can’t wait to see you both again,” she says, and I know she’s missing us too. It’s hard to spend every day with people for years and then one day have them not be there.

“Maybe we should plan a trip to the lake soon?” Cora throws out. She’s fishing, and I appreciate her asking the question for me.

“Actually, we’re heading to Nashville in two weeks. Ash has a board meeting for Three Little Birds, and he and Clay have studio time to wrap up their new album as well. He’s been over at Clay’s a lot lately as they’ve been working on the last few songs needed.”

I knew they had been working together. Clay did tell me that. He mentioned they were almost done with the last few tweaks, but he never mentioned they were ready to record it. That’s exciting for them.

“I can’t wait to hear their new album completed,” Avery says. “Clay played a few of the songs when I was last there, and it sounds so good.”

Jealousy that she gets to see him and talk to him whenever she wants has me feeling green. I know that’s not a fair feeling, but it’s there all the same.

“Seems like that might be a good time for us to be in Nashville, too, if you’re already going to be there.” Cora looks at me and pops her brows up. Instantly, I’m reaching for her phone so Avery can see me.

“Yes! We can meet you there. We’ve got those two new songs we can go ahead and record, there’s a new one we’d like to play for you too, and then we can collaborate on the one you’re sending over.”

“I’d love that,” she says, moving the dough to a bowl and covering it.

In front of us, the noise picks up as we’ve reached Columbus Circle. There are pedestrians everywhere trying to get to work or school, and there are taxis, Ubers, and public transportation zooming by.

“Okay, well we’re almost there, so we’re gonna let you go. Send us a picture of those cinnamon rolls once they’re done.”

“You know I will. Have fun and don’t hurt yourselves. Mona would die if one of you broke another wrist, or worse, a hand.”

Yikes, I didn’t even think of this and cringe in remembrance of how taxing Avery’s fall and break was on all of us. Then again, it was Ash who picked her up and healed her, in more ways than one, so I’d say things didn’t turn out too bad after all.

“We’ll do our best!” Cora says, leaning over my shoulder. Then she says goodbye and hangs up.

The crosswalk light changes and my heart soars.

Two weeks.

Two. Weeks. And I get to see him again.

“See, no snooping. We’re just asking our friend what she’s been up to, we’re making plans so we can see her and take care of some business at the same time too.”

She’s right. She is. I shouldn’t feel like I somehow manipulated the situation, because I didn’t, and this will work out perfectly.

Together we walk the last two blocks in silence, and when she opens the door to the studio to let me in, I tell her, “Okay, yeah. I feel good about this.”

Actually, I feel ecstatic.

She smiles back at me and says, “You should.”

Gah! I’m going to see him again in just two weeks.



Ican’t believe we recorded another album, I think to myself as I make my way through Three Little Birds’ headquarters after saying goodbye to the studio crew. We’ve spent the last five days holed up here, and I loved every bit of it. Rule of thumb for recording is one hour for every minute of a song, and this next album is a solid sixty minutes. I feel emotionally and physically exhausted, but in the best way.

I know a lot of people don’t like being in the recording studio, but I do. Yes, there are no windows and oftentimes the air smells stale, but to me it smells like coffee, electronics, and possibilities. I love the red walls that inspire, I love being surrounded by the equipment and my friends, and I love that buzz that sits under my skin knowing we are making something extraordinary and lasting.