Page 36 of A Chance Love

And it was really her only option at this point. So she pulled up the bank account to check how much they really had to work with. She would be using every penny in order to make this place the one she saw in her dreams.

After putting in her email and password, the dashboard popped up with her current total in checking and savings accounts.

Zero dollars.

She blinked a few times, not believing her eyes. When she reopened and saw the zeroes again, her stomach dropped.

How could it be that she had no money in the account? Even months ago she’d made another deposit like she did every few months. It should have at least five to ten thousand dollars, just enough for the surprise repair.

But here it said she had nothing left. Absolutely nothing, zero dollars.

April’s heart began to race; she clutched a hand to her chest. Suddenly, it was hot in the house, sweat beaded at the top of her forehead. A breath caught in her throat. All together it felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

How could she have lost this much money? How could the bank have done this?

This must have been some sort of mistake. It made no sense because she was the only person with access to the account. She checked the account number twice, but it was unfortunately correct.

The bank had messed up somehow.

That was her next step. Just call the bank; they would figure out what happened here. She pulled out her phone and called. It rang three times before it went to an automated menu of options. She just needed to speak to a person, a real human, and everything would get sorted out.

Finally, the representative line rang and rang. “This is Emily from Three Cities Bank, how can I help you?”

“Yes, I need to speak to someone about my account. It looks like all the money I had is gone and I didn’t accept any withdrawals. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever used any money in this account before. It should be exactly what it’s been for the past few years.”

“Oh, that is strange. Let’s take a look at the account and hopefully we can clear this up for you!”

The woman’s enthusiastic voice annoyed April. This situation was all their fault. You would think Emily would be much more apologetic, scared that someone found a flaw in their perfect system.

She gave her account information and waited on hold, listening to awful royalty-free music. The only thing she could do was pace the floor beside the dining room table and hang on to the hope that this voice would bring her news that her money would be back in her account soon.

“Hey, everything okay?” Georgia whispered from the short hall that led to the kitchen.

April nodded and smiled, trying to hide the nightmare she found herself in. The music was torture. The longer it took, the more worried she became.

“Hi, Mrs. Harris.”

She almost cringed at her married name now that everyone else knew her by her maiden one. “Uh, yes. Still here.”

Her voice was meek, scared. “So it looks like your husband came and cleared out the account weeks ago.”

April was speechless. “You’re sure it was my husband and not some scammer or something?”

Emily hesitated. It was clear she wasn’t sure what to say, that she might have been new at this whole thing. It had to have happened before, a spouse taking out money without the other knowing. There had to be a policy, some script to tell her exactly what she needed to know about this kind of thing.

“All people wanting to make a withdrawal are required to show ID and be on the active account. It says here it was a bank withdrawal, not an ATM one. So, we can be certain he was Ided and on the account.”

April put a hand to her head, trying to calm herself. “But he’s not on the account. His name isn’t an authorized person on the account.”

“It says right here that he is. I’m not sure how that was mixed up. But his name is on the account somewhere, which means he’s able to make withdrawals.”

She thought about if she ever asked him to call and make changes to their account. Even the slightest change like an address could have made him an authorized person. But she didn’t remember telling him about her personal funds.

Until she remembered something. When they applied for a loan several years ago, they both had to disclose the total amount in all accounts. That was the first time they talked about the secret funds she had stored away. He didn’t mention anything about it since he had his own personal accounts too. Though, he didn’t use them as much as she used hers.

He also changed all their information when they moved. That was probably when he requested access and she gave it without question. Because he would never touch her accounts; there was no reason for him to. They both made plenty of money and this was her rainy day fund, her once in a lifetime break of the piggy bank.

“We suggest speaking to him to clear all of this up. I’m sorry we can’t do more for you,” Emily continued when she heard nothing in response.